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Friday, 7 May 2021

False report

And I say unto you be cleansed of your sin you shall be as white as snow.

You shall bear guilt and shame no longer 

Watch and be amazed at my outpouring

For I have placed before you an open door that no man can shut.

It shall be unto you according to the power that worketh in you 

I shall meet you 

I shall make my presence known to you 

For I desire that you know me  as I know you

My commandments are beneficial for all who obey them

Write my words in your heart 

You are commanded to love your neighbour as you love yourself

And to treat others as you yourself would like to be treated

Behold I am amongst you 

I am the orphan you took in

I am the hungry you fed

Hold nothing back from those in need 

Give as much as you can

Live in such a way as to keep yourself well

Stand guard and pray

Be amazed at my defence of you for I see all things 

I know the plans of your enemy

And have cut them off. Their plans shall come to nothing 
