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Friday 16 August 2024

Made to be holy, created in my image and after my likeness

Have you not read the scriptures 'be holy for I am holy' 

let your speach be seasoned with salt to the benefit of those around you 

let your deeds be as a purifing fire 

for do you not know deeds speak volumes? 

You were made to be a mirror 

A reflection of my Spirit

have you not read, 'my people perish for lack of knowledge'  

Do you not realise what you have done?

Have you not read, 'purify my heart and create a right spirit within me?

purge yourself of lies and wrong doing and rejoice with the truth  

Come read the scriptures and seek the truth 

I shall open your eyes and you shall know as know and see as I see

you shall perceive the truth and shall be set free   


Wednesday 7 August 2024

Turning things around

 Acts 9 

In the mean time, Saul kept up his threats of murder against those who follow the Lord...

Suddenly a light from the sky flashed all around him he fell to the ground and heard a voice saying 'Saul Saul why do you persecute me?', 'Who are you Lord?' he asked. 'I am Jesus whom you persecute.'

Hear what the Lord is saying to you.

You who hate and persecute me. 

I shall make myself known to witches and warlocks, those who practice divination and sorcery.

Those who have spoken destruction and violence against me.

I shall reveal myself to you says the Lord of hosts

Many shall come to know me for I am the Lord

I shall bring in the lost, the hurting, the lonely, the destitute, the homeless, the hungry.

I shall bring peace where there is anger

I shall bring comfort where there is pain

I shall bring justice and righteousness 

For I am the advocate who stands in heavens courts pleading for you 

I shall be merciful to those who dont know me for It is my desire that none perish

I am the ever living one. 

I was there at the beginning and shall be there at the end for I am that I am.

It is I who hold the keys to death and hades

For I am the victor.  

The Judge of all things has rendered his verdict over you

It was I that took your punishment and bore your shame

I declare He is the Christ who came in the flesh was crucified, died and rose again

He took back what Adam lost

Salvation can be found in Christ alone

He is King 

He is Saviour  

He is Almighty God

He is the Author 

He is Creator

He is Victor


Tuesday 6 August 2024

The fire

There is a fire coming 

An all consuming fire 

Those who are unprepared will be burned to ashes

Come to me says the fire that speaks from the bush that does not burn up

I have come to bring the lost sheep into the pasture of the Almighty  

For the time is coming when 

I will level the mountains and raise up the plains 

I will cause the desert to bloom  

There is a reversal coming 

I will smite those who preach unholy doctrines 

I will bring down those who build up riches for themselves by taking money from the poor

I tell you those who lead the lost down the road to destruction 

Shall be brought down  

For I am a true and righteous judge

I know all 

I see all 

I hear all

I was here before the beginning and shall be here after the end.

For I am the I am.

There is a time coming when my Holy Spirit shall inhabit the unborn child.

Even from the womb they shall know me 

There is a generation of children coming who shall know me, for I shall be with them from the moment they are conceived.

No sickness shall befall them 

They shall be fruitful and do exploits from a young age 

For I am Creator 

It is mine to build 

It is mine to tear down

A fire is coming 

A holy fire 

A purifing fire 

A healing fire 

I shall tear down those who preach a false gospel

Shall the mighty behemoth and the great leviathan be caged forever?

Come to me for the world as you know it shall soon be no more.

I shall make myself known 

to both high and low.

to both rich and poor 

to both the deaf and the blind 

to the leper and all the unclean 

I shall speak

I shall declare

My name is righteous and true 

I came to bring all mankind into my house
