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Tuesday 19 July 2022


 Those who are in me who's names are written in the book of life cannot be shaken 

The bride of christ cannot be shaken

But I will shake the earth 

Everything not rooted in me shall fall 

Be sure to remain rooted 

Everything that is built upon sand will fall

I am a rock a solid foundation 

It is I who appoint the leaders of the nations 

Don't be concerned with the systems of this world 

But seek first my kingdom 

I have bought back dominion and offer it without cost to those who become my children 

You are co-heirs with Christ 

And he has vanquished the curse of death

His death bought for you freedom, not from tyranny or oppression but sin and death 


A God given passport

 “I will strengthen Judah and save Israel; I will restore them because of my compassion. It will be as though I had never rejected them, for I am the Lord their God, who will hear their cries. The people of Israel will become like mighty warriors, and their hearts will be made happy as if by wine. Their children, too, will see it and be glad; their hearts will rejoice in the Lord. By my power I will make my people strong, and by my authority they will go wherever they wish. I, the Lord, have spoken!”

Zechariah 10:6‭-‬7‭, ‬12 NLT

Is a barrier before you?

An obstacle that blocks your path?

His power has made you strong by his authority you can go where you wish

You have the power to demolish strongholds and have authority over every evil that resides in the land 

Do the work he has called you to.

Teachers prepare your children for godly encounters: teach them the scriptures 

Prophets only speak the words given by him add nothing and take nothing. know when to speak and when to be silent 

Evangelists spread the goods news of salvation to all men whether they listen or fail to listen

The Lord is patient and abiding in love 

He is the king of kings and lord of lords

He can not take on a job that's too difficult for him

He can not stop loving you

He can not be unholy

He can not make a loser 


Justice and fire

 Justice and fire shall come upon you 

I am fire 

I am justice

My spirit of breakthrough and revival shall come to you 

Be encouraged for I am with you 

And I am greater than any foe that rises against you 

For I  am a sheild around you 

You shall go from victory to victory 

I am fighting with you against the rulers of this dark world 

Have faith and trust in me for I am just and merciful

Surely I shall grant you the riches I have promised


Friday 1 July 2022

Hear my voice

 O people of Zion, who live in Jerusalem, you will weep no more. He will be gracious if you ask for help. He will surely respond to the sound of your cries. Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, “This is the way you should go,” whether to the right or to the left.

Isaiah 30:19‭, ‬21 NLT

I am the lord almighty 

I have heard your cry for help 

Surely I shall assist you

You have endured many trials 

Today this very hour I will come to you 

And grant your requests

I shall be your guide and direct your path

Be assured I shall be with you 

Awaken your senses to my leading 

I shall lead you along salvations path

You will be transformed into my likeness

I have redeemed your dominion 

I bought it and now give it to you without cost

Be amazed my children you have power beyond your comprehension available to you 

Let your spirit rejoice in God your savior

Let your soul be restored and your heart renewed

I shall fill you with light and you shall be a beacon to the lost, the hurting, the lame, and the blind

Prepare for an outpouring the like of which has never been seen in modern times 

Lift me up and I will draw all men to me
