John has long since passed away, taken from jail and beheaded
But the cry still stands, who shall point to the risen Christ
There are still people living in a barren wilderness
Tell me who shall speak to them.
And behold He shall make you fishers of men
Who shall pull them from an ocean and sea full of sharks and wolves
'Hear I am send me', comes the cry
Shall you take up the mantle of John and call out to the lost in the wilderness
He the immortal, invisible God only wise has come among you
When you secure the lost from death and the grave
Indeed, is God calling you to speak to sharks and wolves and alter their makeup
Only the wonder working power of the Alimighty God can change a shark to a lion or a wolf to a lamb
Yet do you hear the call of God upon your life
It's a tough challenge I know, but God came so that you can know His power working within you
Both the shark and the wolf live among you
You know them by their deeds and their fruit.
me who shall speak to them. No, indeed it is the powerful working of
the deeds of God that shall speak to them not fine words or arguments
God is about to move among you
shall bring mighty acts and deeds such that niether the shark nor the
wolf will be able to deny the awesome power of the living God
And they will turn from their ways and worship the one true living God.
The shark shall become like a lion
and the wolf like a lamb
Niether shall devour the other, for they shall lay down in the hay together
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Monday, 20 November 2023
“I am a voice shouting in the wilderness, ‘Clear the way for the Lord’s coming!’” John the Baptist
Sunday, 19 November 2023
So the Word became human
God sent a man, John the Baptist clothed in rags to point the way
He was before me and shall be after me
I am in awe of His mighty deeds
He spoke and creation sprang to life
In the beginning, there was nothing, but He the risen Saviour spoke light into the world
Now the tongue has the creative power to build up or tear down
Both life and death come through the tongue
John baptised with water for repentance, but He the risen Christ baptises with fire
He shall burn away everything that is unworthy of Him
Yet more than that the old creation with its shame and drudgery has gone and a new creation stands in its place
Let your joy be complete
Let your soul find a new path
Let Him be your guide and light
He the living God lives inside of you
His creative power is given in full measure
Come to Him and He will make you fishers of men
Yet even now He is asking the Father for blessed power to embolden you
Come close to Him He is not far away
Within arms reach.
Nor does He hide Himself away but stands like a beacon in your midst behind a veil of light for He is light, the light of all men
You see dimly now but soon you shall see in glorious clarity
Cast off your outer garments of pain and sorrow and put the clothing
of joy and peace
Sunday, 12 November 2023
In the beginning the Word already existed
I am the everliving One
I lived among you
I died but behold I am Alive forever
I was and I am and I am to come
It was I who created the heavens and the earth
I formed the Sun, the Moon and the starry host
I am always seeking the best for creation
It is I who formed man out of the dust of the earth
It is I who have numbered the days of man for he rebelled
Therefore make a good account
For all men will be judged
Was it not I who arose and defeated death and hades
Behold the grave could not hold Him
For he lives from eternity to eternity
He lives forever more
Was He not the Righteous One who tore the veil in two
So that sinners could be cleansed and enter the most Holy place
Behold I shall make my presence known to all mankind
Men will be without doubt or excuse for I shall make it plain
I shall appear with righteous justice
Yet I am patient not wanting men to be destroyed by the flames of hell
Come let me minister to you
Let me wash your filthy garments and cleanse you
Let blind eyes see
Let deaf ears be opened
Let the lame walk
Let the beggars become rich
Let lepers be made whole
Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
He has conqured death
He purchased man's dominon by His own blood and now offers it back without cost
Do not be alarmed for He is the prince of heavens armies
His chariots are ablaze with light and are leading His angels in a battle against the forces of this dark world.
Do you not see the heavenly host encamped around you?
Be amazed at His outpouring in these days for He both provides and ministers to those that are His own
Come into His presence with thanksgiving and courts with praise
For He desires to bless you with everything planned for you since the beginning
Seek Him today for nobody knows the day or the hour when all will come to completion
For I tell you now its the day and hour to seek the Lord of Lords and King of Kings
He is not beyond reach
Simply offer your hand and He shall take it and guide you to your best future
For I tell you obedience to his will is key.
You need not fear the day or the hour for you have been cleansed and made righteous in His sight.
And even now He intercedes for you in the courts of heaven.
Remember He is Alive for evermore
None can snatch you away from His grasp
No evil can take your joy away for you are complete in Him