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Sunday 3 November 2019

Divine Exchange

We declare the Lords greatness

We declare Him the exalted One

His name is Jesus

He is our battle cry who reigns on High

Above all our pain and heartache

Above our sorrows and dissatisfactions

When we live in His presence we stand aside from our sorrows and pains

To live in that moment of Divine exchange for all time from this moment forth is what we need above all else.

When this happens we change kingdoms and domains from one centred on pain to one centred on wholeness and vitality.

Wednesday 30 October 2019

Fire and judgement

I am the God of fire and judgement

Come to me and I shall cleanse your soul

I shall judge you as righteous in my courts

You are my beloved children

I created you

I know when you rise and when you sit

I was there when you passed through shadows and dark times

Have I not been faithful

Have I not proved myself to be a blessing to you

Do you not see ?

I have laid out my path before you

Come commune with me and I shall instruct you in the way you should go

I shall speak in dreams and visions

I shall teach you and you will know what to do and what not to do.

You shall do exploits and deeds reserved for mighty warriors for I shall arm you and train you

Sunday 27 October 2019

The lord is good

The Lord is good

The Lord is kind

The Lord is a blessing to you

He is more than able to meet all your need

For he is Jehovah Jireh your provider

His name shall be "God is present" over your life

Come and be restored in his presence

Right now God is moving over you

His shadow is over you

Find rest there

Find peace there

Find joy there

His abundance meets every need

Everything you need is found in Him

Come and dine at my table

Feast in my presence

You will find peace for your soul

And healing for your body

He is a soothing balm and ointment poured out for many.


Sunday 20 October 2019

The lord liveth

The Lord liveth

He alone creates by mere speech

He alone governs the seas

All creation sings His praise

Even the mighty behemoth yields before Him

Surely He is worthy of praise

Therefore lift Him up and decare His Name

above all.

Let Joy be found in your heart due to his unending love for you

He answers your prayers from heaven

He never breaks His promises

He is with you  always

He prospers your soul His Word is true

His law is written on your heart and mind

Therefore praise him with heart and soul and spirit


Saturday 19 October 2019

Extol the mighty name

Extol the mighty Name of the Lord

He is victorious in battle

And mighty in power

Before Him all will bow their knee

He created all things by His Word

He rides the clouds

He makes his presence known in the fire by night

And the cloud by day

And I will worship Him

I will give him my life

For he is worthy of honour and praise

He is Lord God the Almighty

He knew me before He planned creation

He ordained my steps and I will walk in them

I will praise Him as long as I live
