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Monday 13 July 2020

New webpage

I have wanted for some time to create a new website centered on the DaretoBelieve belief that words of encouragement or blessing build up and edify the body of christ regardless of your denomination.

I can now unveil that site as

Wednesday 8 July 2020

Grace Ephesians Chapter 4

May He who created the heavens and the earth bestow to you His grace

As He has apportioned it.

He has given you purpose

Let Him reveal it to you

Draw near to Him and let Him speak

Make known the mysteries of God as He has made known

Let the Mighty One who knows all things guide you

It is He who gives some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers.

In order to build up the body of Christ

Let the body of Christ reach full maturity and not be as an infant tossed about by false teaching

Become firm in your knowledge of God's word

Speak the eternal truth of the gospel into the lives of everyone you meet.

Be bold and full of courage showing love to all

Do not wander from the truth God has shown you


Ephesians  Chapter 4   

Tuesday 7 July 2020

Spiritual Warfare

All power and authority has been given to me

and I have shared it with you

You are seated with me in heavenly places 

I tell you claim the victory for it has already been secured for you

The same power that formed the universe is working in and through you

Search the scriptures

Learn to battle and make war

Become mentored by the Holy Spirit and take his lead in all your dealing with heavens courts

The righteous judge  has already declared your case as won

But the evil one has a case against you

Humble yourself and present your case to heavens courts then

submit to God's rulings and judgements

Once your case is settled in heavens courts

Resist the evil one and he will flee from you


Thursday 2 July 2020

Do not be afraid

Exo 4:3

The LORD said, “Throw it on the ground.” Moses threw it on the ground and it became a snake, and he ran from it.
Exo 4:4
Then the LORD said to him, “Reach out your hand and take it by the tail.” So Moses reached out and took hold of the snake and it turned back into a staff in his hand.

Moses had already experienced the supernatural and to him it was by now normal but when God told him to throw his staff on the ground and it became a snake Moses gut reaction was to run from it. He had a healthy fear of snakes but when God told him to pick it up again by the tail he did not hesitate in obeying even when he was afraid. Now I don't know anything about snakes but usually to control a snake you have to hold its head and not the tail. A snake if held by the tail will normally turn to bite the handler.

There are 3 points I would like to make

1) Moses was not shocked by the supernatural but did fear snakes
2) Moses controlled his initial reaction of fear and was able to obey God
3) He obeyed Gods instructions without hesitation.

God may not require you to pick up a snake. But there are plenty of fears which we have which hold us back from being the best person God intends us to be

Colossians 3 10 .. put on the new self .. which is constantly being renewed in the image of God ... in order to bring you into full knowledge of Him.

As your new self  grows in maturity pray that God will highlight and address the fears which hold you back. Fear of intimacy due to past hurts. Fear of failure in the new job or situation. Most people have a number of fears which can control their entire lives


BUT the Spirit God gave you does not make you timid, but gives you power, love and self-discipline.
Exodus 4 2-4;1 Ti 1 : 7;Col 3:10.

Monday 29 June 2020

Bringing down Goliath

You have the desire for victory but you have lost the taste for spiritual war

Its time to renew your taste for spiritual warfare 

Learn from the mighty kings of old 

It is time to knit your life to God 

Desire to obey God 

You have been raised to deliver your kingdom from the enemies clutches 

It was your ancestors mantle 

Your forefathers battled with giants in their day

and were victorious  

Now its time for you to take up their mantle 

You are facing the same enemy that ancient serpent called lucifer and his fallen ones 

You will prevail

Your Goliath will fall

For I have ordained that you will become the father of many

God is bestowing weapons of war upon his people

He is training warriors and mighty ones 

They shall  be victorious 

History will remember them with honour 

for their valour and bravery will see many enemies of God defeated
