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Friday, 21 February 2025

More than enough

 I am the Lord Almighty, who fashioned the heavens and earth by mere speech. 

Call me and I will answer you.

As a farmer tills the soil. I will fashion a new heaven and earth fit for my children, those whom I have called by name.

When my name is lifted up among men surely I will exalt you among your generation. 

You shall be known as great and mighty among your fellows. 

For I exalt those who exalt me. 

Can you feel the change coming?

Do you sense the wind of my spirit?

Those who acknowledge me among men and aren't afraid to call me Lord and Saviour shall become widely known.

Be amazed at what I shall do for you among your generation. 

For my name is above every other name. 

My kingdom shall come among you 

You changed citizenship when you became mine 

No longer do you belong to the world but you are mine, you have been redeemed and bought at great price

I am the holder of keys 

for what Satan stole I have redeemed at a great price 

You have doors and pathways before you.

Ask me and I shall grant you access according to the plan laid out for you at the very beginning 

Raise the dead

Cleanse the lepers 

And make the blind see

And the deaf hear


Saturday, 15 February 2025

The Lord of Hosts

 I am the Lord of Hosts says the everlasting King who is Creator, Redeemer, and Lord.

You need not fear me for I am gentle and lowly of heart.

I am Almighty and from everlasting to everlasting 

I can be trusted for I am holy and without stain 

Be amazed at my outpouring in these days 

For I am more than able to meet your every need 

My Spirit abides with those whom I call my children 

Behold the table is laid and the seats assigned 

The marriage feast is ready 

Do not miss your invitation 

It was given to you when I redeemed you. 

Those I call mine are invited and certain to be seated when the doors open.

But there are many empty places.

I have invited the whole of mankind, for it is I who defeated the devil and bought back man's dominion 

It is I who hold the keys of death and Hades 

No longer does the devil (Satan) hold power over you, for I have made a public spectacle of both him and his cohorts.

Be sure I am coming soon

Watch and know the signs for have you not read 'My people perish for lack of knowledge' 

Be ever vigilant and watchful 



Saturday, 8 February 2025

A New Life

Remember how you were lost in the wilderness of wrongdoing 

Remember how it brought you nothing but misery and suffering

But now you have heard the truth from your friend 

You are living in the fields of righteousness not your own it was given to you as a cloak to cover you when you trusted Christ our lord. 

It was he who bore the weight of your wrongdoing and delivered you from its shame and sorrow 

Let us rejoice together and work toward a better future. The path marked out for us is not easy but is full of hollows and sinkholes. But we can rejoice because our all-knowing Christ knows all things and he has marked out the path for us 

Let us not become vain or conceited but extol in the virtues he has shown us in his eternal character.

For He is without stain, blot or blemish. 

He is perfect in every way. 

There is nothing false in him for he is the embodiment of truth.

Let us rejoice because we have been transformed by His eternal Spirit who indeed dwells within us.

Let us not negate our destiny by following a different lord or straying from the path that he has laid before us 

Indeed transformation is key to our success 

We are being renewed daily by his guiding spirit and the Word of Truth who came down, becoming human in every way. Yet was without sin from birth for no man was his father but was conceived of a virgin whose name was Mary.

Let Christ be with you and your valentine this February

Let him be your guiding principle and mentor 
