I am the Lord Almighty, who fashioned the heavens and earth by mere speech.
Call me and I will answer you.
As a farmer tills the soil. I will fashion a new heaven and earth fit for my children, those whom I have called by name.
When my name is lifted up among men surely I will exalt you among your generation.
You shall be known as great and mighty among your fellows.
For I exalt those who exalt me.
Can you feel the change coming?
Do you sense the wind of my spirit?
Those who acknowledge me among men and aren't afraid to call me Lord and Saviour shall become widely known.
Be amazed at what I shall do for you among your generation.
For my name is above every other name.
My kingdom shall come among you
You changed citizenship when you became mine
No longer do you belong to the world but you are mine, you have been redeemed and bought at great price
I am the holder of keys
for what Satan stole I have redeemed at a great price
You have doors and pathways before you.
Ask me and I shall grant you access according to the plan laid out for you at the very beginning
Raise the dead
Cleanse the lepers
And make the blind see
And the deaf hear
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