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Wednesday, 14 August 2019

The God of power

My child listen to me I am the God of your forefathers.

I have always been faithful to my oath to protect you.

Many have passed me by when I came to them. Do not be like them for I fight your corner, always, whether you come to me or not.

But I yearn for your friendship and trust

Come to me and I will make you great.

Are not burdens made light when shared with me.

You do not fight your bitter enemy alone.

I have gone before you.

I hem you in on every side.

Your enemy has to come through me to get to you !

Claim what I am holding before you!

See if I am not sweet and tender in your stomach.

Sunday, 4 August 2019

The God who lives

I am the God who lives.

I see and know all things. There is nothing hidden from me.

I have redeemed you. You are mine.

You were lost but I searched for you.
You were mourning but I comforted you.
You were weak but I strengthened you.

My child come to me and refresh your soul.
I give new hearts and breathe live into dead bones.

Find fulfilment in me alone.

I will give you a new name and refresh your purpose.

Sunday, 28 July 2019


My Holy Fire is being poured out across the nations
Even now healing balm and cleansing is given without measure

Worship me alone !

Nothing is impossible for me! For I created all things,
Seen and unseen have I created them.

Nations will turn to me.
Kings will turn to me
All men will turn to me

All men shall live under me

Death and decay will no longer assail your life

They are on notice from heavens courts.

Present your case before me

I have already decreed in your favour.

The spotless lamb of God has taken away your sin

Believe what has already been accomplished.

I give you the authority to trample on snakes and scorpions

Nothing can be against you for I have defeated every foe that stands against you!


Friday, 26 July 2019

Rain for the season

I am sending you rain fit for the season you are in.

I send rain on the rich and the poor on the happy and the sad on the good and the bad

Come to me my child and refresh yourself in my rain.

Come into my presence and find cleansing and balm for you soul.

My rain is good for everything that grows and lives.

Find prosperous abundance in me my child.

Sunday, 21 July 2019

I always act in your favour

Listen to me my child I am going to act.

Your portion shall be multiplied . I tell you, use the yardstick I shall give you. For mine is a righteous measure. You shall receive your inheritance in full measure.

I have heard from heaven and shall act.

Your prayers have been heard.

You shall receive from my hand.

My gifts are always before you. I never withhold any good gift.

Come to me my child. Be found in me and be blessed.

Abide in me and live.