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Sunday 8 September 2019

Abundant blessing

Be blessed in these days

For I am about to pour out such a blessing

The like of which the world has never seen

It will come from ordinary people

Names and personalities will be brought low

Those who have sought their own glory will be exposed

Those who are nothing will lead the way

Those whom the world despises shall bring forth my kingdom

I will make the weak strong and those who are strong in their own eyes will perish

Therefore humble yourselves and pray

Ask the Lord and he shall deliver

Sunday 1 September 2019

I am the lord

I am the Lord .

There is none like me

I created you, I know you

You are my most treasured possession

I love you beyond your understanding

My love for you is greater than you could possibly imagine.

Come to me my child let me restore you

Let me heal you

Let me pull you out of the mire

I known you better than you know yourself

Dont be afraid for I will not break a damaged reed.

You are my child and I love you

You are my beloved


Thursday 29 August 2019


My lord my God I am covered in shame
You have departed from me.
You gave me a choice
My choice has lead me away from You.

Look upon me with favour once again my Lord.
What repentance do I need to offer my Lord?
How can I demonstrate remorse?
How can I be restored unto the path chosen for me?

Speak now for I am your humble servant.
I do not seek wealth or riches but You alone my Lord My God.

You know all things my Lord my God!
All my choices are laid before you like a book.

You are the Sovereign Lord.
You weave mens choices into your perfect plan.

You stand outside all creation and look upon the schemes of men.
Your sovereign will stands for all time

Let me partner with you once again.
Let the Word of the Lord be found in my heart and be placed upon my lips
Let me speak your Word and declare Your will to the nations.

Put an unquenchable fire in my heart for I am Yours
To You alone I belong.

You are my Hope.
You are my Strength.

Let your words be my Words my Lord my God.

Carry my sin my far from me, remember it no more.

Let me see what You see
Let me hear what You hear
Let me feel what You feel
Let me touch what You touch
Let me smell what You smell

Give to me your thoughts my Lord.
Give me an undivided heart and purity of thought.

Wednesday 28 August 2019


Dear children you were bought at great price.

You have been redeemed and are set free with another taking punishment in your stead.

Remember your former days in slavery. You have been set free

You are like gold hewn from the earth at great cost: your worth far exceeds the cost of your redemption.

Do not neglect your freedom for it cost much

Come to me my child

Recieve favour and grace from my hand.

You are in my presence and I offer you my very essence in exchange for your sin.

Exchange your pain, your heartache, your shame for comfort, joy and holiness.

Sunday 25 August 2019

Shaking with fear

Are you shaking with fear!

Is your heart troubled!

I shall bless you!

Trust in the power of my Name for it is high above every name.

Your struggle has not gone unnoticed, behold I have given the order on your behalf.

My angels are on their way, even now they surround you.

They stand with you with My gifts in open hand.

Taste and see

Come eat and drink my gifts which are offered freely with cost.