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Saturday 24 December 2022

Common struggle

 In this new life, it doesn’t matter if you are a Jew or a Gentile, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbaric, uncivilized, slave, or free. Christ is all that matters, and he lives in all of us.

Colossians 3:11 NLT

Put to death all manner of sin and evil from your former life and put on the new self which is in the likeness of the character of Christ

This is the common struggle which unifies us into one family

There no difference which excludes you from this community of believers 

Both rich and poor both high and low are called to renew their minds in the spirit of Christ 

For he desires that all peoples are transformed into his likeness


Wednesday 23 November 2022


 I have seen your deeds

I am El shaddai God Almighty

It is I who open doors for my children 

It is I who closes doors too

I am like a shepherd who separates his sheep and prepares them for the field

I shall lead you to the field where there is ample provision 

Make an account of everything for it will required of you 

Do not be deceived by those who don't know me

I know you for I created all things and hold them together by my powerful hand 

This very day I shall prepare you for the field

I have made a way 

Walk where I have walked

And soon you shall be on the right road

And as you journey along your path 

I shall guide you for I have marked the way 

I shall be a light for your path 

And a staff to lean on for it is I that test the way forward

Imagine a ground that is solid in part and weak in part 

How foolish it would be to walk and not test the ground so I tell you walk the path I have marked and you will find your way 

I stand at the gate and watch as you walk by each one of you is directed by my hand those that stray from my chosen path will get there by another route 

But for every man woman and child the destiny is to be like the Christ in word and deed and outlook.


Tuesday 15 November 2022


 I will walk among you; I will be your God, and you will be my people.

Leviticus 26:12 NLT

Consider these words 

they promise a special relationship with your God

Did you see it?

I will be your God

You will be my people

Its a two way relationship 

We are to be freinds 

One definition is

a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection

I can tell you his affection towards you outweighs any affection you have for him

His affection for you is without limits

God loves it when we show him affection

I lay down a challenge 

Decide in your heart to show God affection today by some means in any way you can 



 I am the lord of all creation

Everything was made by my hand

I shall accomplish mighty things in the days to come

Trust me I am there in the morning and the evening

Your whole life is lived in me

Watch the days to come

See If I will not bless you with everything I have planned for you

Surely I will do it 

Trust me to fulfill my words

All things hold together in me 

I am the resurrection and the life

I am the fire that you seek

Come to me in the private place in the secret and quiet place


Sunday 30 October 2022

Never Alone

 My child look deep within.

Do you not perceive me?

I am the source of all things both seen and unseen 

I am the first and the last 

I know you as beloved  

I am in you

I am also in the father

So don't be alarmed when I reveal myself

You are my dear child

As you mature more of my will shall be  revealed

I want you to know my will 

Search the scriptures

Look at my dealings with men

Do you find me unfaithful? 

Do you find me absent? 

Even though you don't sense my presence I have always been close by

I am within reach

My hand is always open and toward you

Reach out and take hold 

I shall guide you 

I shall accomplish mighty things in these days

All things shall be done according to my will

You shall lead those who  don't know me

You shall be a good friend and lead them through the darkness 

You shall be a warning and a guide as a lighthouse in rough seas 

Do not be dismayed I am the keeper of the house 

I know when and where to both shine and direct 

Follow my leading and my path 
