It has always been my desire to see my people prosper says the Lord
I am Jehovah Jireh and I shall provide.
See, I shall be true to you, for my name is Faithful and True
Throughout all generations, I have provided for my children
Watch as I pour out blessing upon blessing into your life
See, I shall send my messenger with gifts and provisions in times of need.
My storehouse has everything you need
Look it's in plain sight. Do you not see? Do you not perceive?
Ask me for bread do I not give it daily as I gave manna in the wilderness.
The harvest is plentiful for I have sent rain and sun in due season
As surely as day follows night, I shall provide for my people, it was I who created the heavens in all their vast array.
It is I who stretches out the heavens and causes the snow and the rain.
You have run like a sprinter but you grow tired and weary, and your resources are depleted
You have exploded out of the starting gate at great speed but now you grow tired
Surely I shall renew your strength and shall carry you on Eagles wings. I shall shelter you under my wings like the swan, her young.
See I have placed you on the higher path where no wolf can reach for wolves only climb as high as I will.
Learn to live at altitude for I shall carry you on my wings
And as you grow, you will learn to soar like the Eagles, for I am both the wind and the sun: I cause the rising wind and shimmering haze.