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Saturday, 15 February 2025

The Lord of Hosts

 I am the Lord of Hosts says the everlasting King who is Creator, Redeemer, and Lord.

You need not fear me for I am gentle and lowly of heart.

I am Almighty and from everlasting to everlasting 

I can be trusted for I am holy and without stain 

Be amazed at my outpouring in these days 

For I am more than able to meet your every need 

My Spirit abides with those whom I call my children 

Behold the table is laid and the seats assigned 

The marriage feast is ready 

Do not miss your invitation 

It was given to you when I redeemed you. 

Those I call mine are invited and certain to be seated when the doors open.

But there are many empty places.

I have invited the whole of mankind, for it is I who defeated the devil and bought back man's dominion 

It is I who hold the keys of death and Hades 

No longer does the devil (Satan) hold power over you, for I have made a public spectacle of both him and his cohorts.

Be sure I am coming soon

Watch and know the signs for have you not read 'My people perish for lack of knowledge' 

Be ever vigilant and watchful 



Saturday, 8 February 2025

A New Life

Remember how you were lost in the wilderness of wrongdoing 

Remember how it brought you nothing but misery and suffering

But now you have heard the truth from your friend 

You are living in the fields of righteousness not your own it was given to you as a cloak to cover you when you trusted Christ our lord. 

It was he who bore the weight of your wrongdoing and delivered you from its shame and sorrow 

Let us rejoice together and work toward a better future. The path marked out for us is not easy but is full of hollows and sinkholes. But we can rejoice because our all-knowing Christ knows all things and he has marked out the path for us 

Let us not become vain or conceited but extol in the virtues he has shown us in his eternal character.

For He is without stain, blot or blemish. 

He is perfect in every way. 

There is nothing false in him for he is the embodiment of truth.

Let us rejoice because we have been transformed by His eternal Spirit who indeed dwells within us.

Let us not negate our destiny by following a different lord or straying from the path that he has laid before us 

Indeed transformation is key to our success 

We are being renewed daily by his guiding spirit and the Word of Truth who came down, becoming human in every way. Yet was without sin from birth for no man was his father but was conceived of a virgin whose name was Mary.

Let Christ be with you and your valentine this February

Let him be your guiding principle and mentor 


Saturday, 14 December 2024

Do not be like the foolish bride Keep your lamp lit

I shall make ungodly kings and rulers bow and yield 

Those nations and kings and rulers who do not fear my name shall be brought low 

I shall destroy the 7 headed dragon together with its thrones and powers and bind them in chains

and cast them into the deepest darkness.

The systems of the world shall be shaken to its core 

I shall expose the ungodly who seek to bring darkness upon the world.

Judgement, revival and release shall come 

for I have ordained it 

I am coming soon 

Do not be like a foolish bride 

Keep enough oil to keep your lamp lit

The feast is ready, the table laid, and the seats assigned 

My children's supper is at hand

Be watchful and know the signs

Those who know me shall be blessed with an abundance 

Your cup shall run over and spread to those around you 

Prepare for the day when I shall reveal all things

lost things shall be restored 

stolen things shall be recovered

I shall bring restoration and recovery

I shall bring healing and freedom 


Friday, 6 December 2024


 I will praise Him with my inmost being.

I will praise Him for His eternal love

For He is Father and Saviour and Lord.

Though I walk through a dark valley. And uncertainty is knocking on my door. 

Yet one thing I can be sure of is His unfailing love for all mankind.

For He is the creator and sustainer

He alone fashioned the earth and filled it with good things 

Mankind his crowning glory given dominion over the earth and everything in it.

I thank god for his faithfulness.

For He never breaks his promises and his mercies are new every morning 

My heart is glad for his unfailing kindnesses 

Even though I lay down with the sick

Praise God for He raises up those who fear his holy name

Teach me the ways of your kingdom. Its precepts, laws processes, and principles, grant me access to heaven's courts where my eternal advocate pleads my case 

Grant me an audience my lord my God

And lead me in your most holy way


Wednesday, 23 October 2024

The Spirit says yes

He who seeks finds 

And He who knocks the door will be opened 

Your search has not been in vain for today I shall meet with you.

You will find grace and mercy in my house

I shall grant you power to do exploits and mighty deeds

For I am an enabler of seekers and searchers

The Spirit says yes to you 

For you have found favour in my sight  

Through you I shall speak to kings and nations 

Though you do not move in kingly circles

I shall open a way for you

A chance encounter shall lead the way 

So be alert and show wisdom in your dealings with men

The Spirit says yes

Draw near and I shall speak to you 

You have found a friend who seeks to make you wise beyond your years 

And strong though you are small framed 

It is not a physical strength but strength of character 

Though you are small, you shall exude strength and the boldness of a lion

Take every opportunity to speak the words of the kingdom 

For structure and  principle and power abide in my kingdom

Learn the ways of the kingdom of God 
