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Wednesday 14 July 2021


 That victory you have been waiting for will soon be realised.

Just a little while longer 

Have faith and do not get discouraged now when victory is in the air

Let God open your nostrils to smell victory

Its closer than you could imagine 

I am the God who knows all things 

I tell you your victory is just around the corner 

Test me in this pray and present your request before me 

See if I do not deliver victory in to your hand


Monday 5 July 2021

Taking back the land

 I am the lord almighty 

I know how you have suffered

I am with you 

Against all odds you shall prevail

The odds may seem to be stacked against you

But I am working 

I will never tire of doing good for your benefit

I make mountains smooth and crooked roads straight

You will walk from deserts and wildernesses into a land flowing with milk and honey 

You will seize the land the enemy has stolen

Stolen Blessings and unanswered prayers will be returned or answered 

The spoils of war will be yours 

The fight is won on your knees 

submit to God 

Yeild to his rulings for he is a righteous judge

Present your case before the throne of the king

For he is wise and compassionate


Wednesday 30 June 2021

Peace be unto you

Father, Let your peace invade the earth

Let your holiness be magnified in mens hearts

Let blind eyes be opened

Let the lame walk and the deaf hear

Be at peace my child

For I am the creator of all things

I know all things 

You are my beloved

I am coming to claim my bride 

let there be a purging and a seperating

let all evil be cleansed from the earth.

begin in the here and the now 

let there be signs in the heavens above and the earth below

let prophecy increase 

let signs and wonders increase across the earth

let there be financial miracles for the poor

let the homeless be housed 

let those in hospital be healed 

let mountains be moved and droughts cease let there be an overnight growth of food for the those in areas of famine

let wars cease


Wednesday 16 June 2021

Heart plea

Father God

I am a broken man

I stand before you naked and blind

Clothe me with your compassion

Open the eyes of my heart

You are mighty

You know all things

Pour out your blessing and be unto me holiness and righteousness

The carnal man sees emptiness but the eyes of faith see a full table

Oh that I see with eyes of faith

I pour out my heart before you my God and King

You are the God who binds the broken hearted

I am holding you to your promise my God

Become my righteousness

Become my holiness

Become my peace


Two men

Two men both at the end of their lives

Both mistreated each other one forgave and found redemption

The other at the end if their life was bitter and twisted

From his bed he made one final act of cruelty

As he lay there he desperately needed to feel loved he wanted to forgive too but his heart was bitter and he refused to yeild.

Both men died that night

At the gate when facing final judgement

One said I wanted to forgive but could not find it in my heart

The angel behind the gate said that he had done everything asked of him except stop being cruel to others

Then he was cast into darkness

Meanwhile the other man still sobbing from the other mans final gesture was met with open arms

He had given up everything

Both started in the same place

But finished miles apart
