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Monday 16 September 2024

More Than Able

I enable the children of God

It is my desire to see you flourish and grow  

Even though you see lack and poverty all around you

Open your eyes and see the wonder of God's amazing provision

I shall open doors of provision you have never conceived of before 

I shall bring people to your door with fresh ideas and impetus 

Though you do not see 

I shall open your eyes and you shall know and perceive my thoughts and concepts

Through you, I shall reorder the world around you 

I shall bring about a paradigm shift related to revelation and knowledge 

For I shall cause you to see and know things outside of your experience 

Come, work with me and let us partner in bringing change to these depressed and oppressive times.

I shall send messengers both angelic and human into your life and surroundings

And they shall bring new and fresh thinking and knowledge 

No longer shall you travel the road to destruction, you have journeyed on, but there is a fork ahead.

Your mortgage is weighty!

Your debts, beyond, what you can afford? 

Missed those crucial payments because something always devours your wealth.

Come to me and see and know 

I shall speak wonders and revelation into your life.

Have you not read 'Plans fail for lack of Wise Council'.

Seek out wisdom and acknowledge the truth 




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