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Friday 16 August 2024

Made to be holy, created in my image and after my likeness

Have you not read the scriptures 'be holy for I am holy' 

let your speach be seasoned with salt to the benefit of those around you 

let your deeds be as a purifing fire 

for do you not know deeds speak volumes? 

You were made to be a mirror 

A reflection of my Spirit

have you not read, 'my people perish for lack of knowledge'  

Do you not realise what you have done?

Have you not read, 'purify my heart and create a right spirit within me?

purge yourself of lies and wrong doing and rejoice with the truth  

Come read the scriptures and seek the truth 

I shall open your eyes and you shall know as know and see as I see

you shall perceive the truth and shall be set free   


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