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Tuesday 21 January 2020

Kings and kingdoms

Kings and kingdoms will bow down before me.  For I created all things

I am the God who created the heavens and the earth

Yet I am your helper. I want to help you in your life today.

You do not need to struggle or fight for I won the victory on your behalf.

The deal is done. Made in your favour. No power or authority can stand before you . As I given my authority to you.

Death and hell have been defeated. Their power forever broken.

Behold the lamb alive forever has overcome.

Out of the ashes

I lift you out of the ashes.

Sorrow shall not be your master.

Your dry bones shall be revived.

I am the giver of life.

I am a loving Father to the nations.

Call out to me with a united voice.

Speak to me from where you are.

I shall hear from heaven and answer.


Monday 20 January 2020

Seek me and you will find me

Be blessed.

Seek me and you will find me.

I am not distant or far away.

For I breathed my essence into you when you first came to me !

Have you forgotten ?

Do you not know ?

I have placed my very self within you!

Have you lost your way ?

Pray and yeild to my leading for I am not one to lead you to ruin!

Far from it!

I am the God who seeks your best interest.

I desire to be close to you as I am close to my father!

Do not be like those who use my name and yet are far from me!

You will say Lord did we not heal the sick in your name.

Truly I say to you become wise and humble yourself.

Know me as I know my Father.

And all will go well with you.

The God of all comfort and compassion seeks to know you.

Draw close to me and I will draw close to you.


Know me.


Tower of strength

I am a tower of strength

Draw from me and stand

My name is above every name for I created all things.

Let me clothe you with my garments and put my cloak of protection around you.

Let my spirit draw near and I will prosper you.

Even now my heart rejoices over you my child I yearn for your love

Let me bless you
Let me guide you
Let me teach you

And will show you my most precious secrets. I will reveal mysteries and conundrums and put things in place to reveal all things

I will give you the wisdom of creation itself. You shall accomplish things in this generation like no other.

I will give you remedies and cures for the most pernicious of diseases.

You shall prosper in ways you cannot fathom. I will show the depths of my grace and favour and blessing.

Tuesday 14 January 2020

Seek me

Seek me and you will find me.

I am not distant or far away.

I am closer than your own shadow.

I have put my Spirit in you.

Do you not know the power and authority available to you!

The Spirit within you has power to heal sickness, demolish strongholds, break chains and release prisoners.

You have power to trample serpents and drink poison without harm.

Have you not read how Paul was locked in a prison cell and I sent an angel to release him.

or how the blind beggar received his sight or how a man who lived in the tombs was set free.

Do you not beleive ??

Test my word's and see if they are not trustworthy.

You must have no doubt in your heart or mind.

Be absolutely convinced and see your declarations come to pass.

Blessed are those who believe without seeing

Might I remind you, your prayer has been heard and presented before my father who judges with righteousness and truth.

Have you not heard that the kingdom of heaven is within you

It is time to call it forth

It is time to bring heaven to earth

I know you!

I was there when you walked by the hurting thinking I would not answer!

I was there when the lame were before you yet you failed to speak out and offer prayer!

You are despised because you are luke warm !

You say you believe yet act as though you don't !

You have been given power yet fail to use it !

Stop it ! Now !

Believe in Me and my Word!

Trust me

I shall not fail you

The time has come to put your faith into action.

Heal the sick

Cast out demons

Break chains

Deliver the opressed

Bring release to the captives

Raise the dead.

Bring wealth were there is poverty

Bring provision were there is lack.

Do not be afraid I am with you.
