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Tuesday 7 April 2020

Foxes little foxes

The foxes, the little foxes spoil the vineyard.

There is new wine coming but first the harvest has to be gathered and the winepress put to use

Go into the fields and gather the foxes you have rendered harmless, ensnared in the trap that you have laid.

Then you will be able to celebrate the feast with  fresh new wine.

 New wine for a big party is being prepared.

There shall be celebrations

There will be dancing and singing

There will be music and melody

There will be happiness and joyfulness

The streets will leap and dance


Tuesday 31 March 2020

Sunday 29 March 2020

What can I do ?

He is an Awesome God

He sits in the throne room of the temple in heaven

listening to our prayers

His desire is that none should perish

He rejoices over everyone who comes to Him

He seeks the best outcome for all men whether they worship Him or not

For He loves His creation, He is Abba Father

He seeks to reveal His plan to you

Ask Him what he is doing

Ask Him what you can do to help him for you are not a slave or servant but a son

You should share the same vision for He is your Father

Learn to commune with Him

You should possess His mind

Learn about His interaction with man throughout  history as recorded in the scriptures

You should love what He loves and hate what He hates

He loves all men

You should do the same

He seeks the best for all men

You should do the same

He shows compassion to all men

You should do the same


Saturday 28 March 2020


You are lost, lonely and afraid

Yet you have within you a well

from which you can draw

I am the source of all things 

I created you

I formed you in your mother's womb

I placed my Spirit within you

I am the light of the world

I am within you

You are my beloved children

I have not abandoned you

A feast is prepared, at a  heavenly  table

And your invited

You will dine with me


Thursday 26 March 2020


I have loved you since before I made the universe.

This world is not your home

Indeed you are alive in Me and I am alive in you .

These days are days of desolation

Yet my kingdom is an everlasting kingdom

Those of you that know me open your ears

I am going to use you

Those whom you love will not see decay

For I will nullify the evil that has come

The one who comes to steal and kill and destroy has been vanquished

His power curtailed for all time

What he has stolen will be restored to you

What he has killed will be brought to life again

What he has destroyed will be made whole

Yeild to my power already at work in your life

I am Almighty God

Let the Lion of Judah arise within you.

I shall lead you and guide in these days

Hear my words
