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Monday, 16 January 2023
Humble yourselves
I will heal your land
Seek me and my kingdom. You shall see it reign in your midst
It is my desire to bring my kingdom into every part of your land
North, south, east, and west shall birth people of great faith and they shall lead my people.
They shall be like true sons who only do what I do
They will rise up out of the unknown and be men and women of prayer
Let them govern diligently
You will know them by their great faith, they will be like daniel and be trained in many skills and be men and women of prayer.
God Saw
Lift Him up
Time for the harvest
Be ready Be prepared
My spirit is moving like never before
The time of greater miracles is at hand
The young will prophesy
The young will heal the sick
The young will raise the dead
The seas will part once again
The birth pains are already happening.
The nations are placing my holy city in israel once more.
I have seen from heaven and have ordered change despots will dethroned. Evil kings will depart.
Evil will be called out
No longer will evil be tolerated
Heaven is reordering earth.
Listen to my spirit
Taste and see
Honey and nectar shall flow from my books.
Gold and precious jewels will adorn my temple once more.
Sunday, 15 January 2023
As in the natural so in the spiritual
The man looked around. “Yes,” he said, “I see people, but I can’t see them very clearly. They look like trees walking around.” Then Jesus placed his hands on the man’s eyes again, and his eyes were opened. His sight was completely restored, and he could see everything clearly.
Mark 8:24-25 NLT
Just like our natural eyes can have cataracts or tunnel vision or gloucoma
Our spiritual sight can be equally compromised
I see God removing spiritual cataracts and correcting tunnel vision and all manner of spiritual ailments
Satan delights in clouding your vision he wants nothing more than to have you see darkly when God wants you to see clearly and fully
Just as natural cataracts can compromise our ability to drive
So damaged spiritual sight can compromise our choices and hence lead us into walking the wrong path
Please God give clear vision so I can choose the right path let me see clearly so I can live my life in your will