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Tuesday, 31 January 2023
Hold on
For faith is the key to the door of my kingdoms blessing.
Do not give up
Holy is the Almighty
He is God
He alone is Sovereign
Praise Him, for He alone is worthy to be praised
The sun rises and sets at His bidding
Stand up, Be in awe of His mighty hand
He alone governs the stars
Majestic is His name high above all
Yet He chose you to bring forth His kingdom on earth
Be filled with wonder at His power
He calls you friend and beloved
Praise the Lord
The order has been given by your father in heaven.
A messenger with His resolution has been despatched.
Be patient. For I will soon appear
Behold my child, I am here to guide you into your future.
Listen to me, I breathe life into dead bones. I open blind eyes and deaf ears.
I am the resurrection and life
Behold I shall open up the kingdoms storehouse and pour out blessing upon blessing
Come see if my blessings do not taste sweet as honey.
The Lord Almighty
There is none like me.
I created all things
See my hand at work in the heavens.
Watch out for signs and wonders in the skies. foretold to you long ago.
You watchmen on the towers. look to the skies. look to the heavens.
I shall come to you like a thief in the night. Do not be found asleep.
Behold I am already prepared and I shall come with a heavenly host
Remember your former days in slavery when you were bound in chains. I broke your chains and set you free. Stretch out your hands and taste the freedom I have purchased for you
I the Lord speak blessings over you
Move into the glorious future that I have for you.
I am calling you to do something you have never done before. You will not want to do it! It will be uncomfortable for you! You will find it hard!
Yet I the Lord am calling you forth into your future. Are you ready to get hands dirty. Do not call unclean that which I purified. Am I not God! Am I not Almighty!
Reach out into the dirt and bring forth the people of the nations.
Wash and clothe yourselves with the garments of praise.
Call out unto me and I will show my hand.
The God who sees
I am the God who sees all things
I will grant you sight and vision
You were born to see through my eyes and hear through my ears
You shall feel my feelings and think my thoughts
I am the God who heals all your diseases and comforts you in your sorrow.
Take me at my word and trust me
for my name is faithful and true
I have never ceased to love you for I am your Father.
Remember you are on the winning team
and that you are my beloved child.
I created you with purpose and identity
Do not be dismayed for I am with you.
I have a plan and a purpose for you
Plans to bless you and keep you
For I tell you I created all things to sing songs of praise
It is my desire that none should perish for my table is for available to all.
How great are Gods riches
Awesome God
Our God has riches stored up for you
Beyond your understanding
They are incomparably great
Much more than anything you could hope for
More than you dream or imagine
I declare in Gods sight with all humility
That He delights in granting the full measure of His great riches to you in good order and proper time according to His plan for you.
Ask Him for release and revelation.
Ask Him for fire
Let Him ignite the flame
Let shame be done away with
Let glory come and blessing be released
Let Him reveal all things to you according to His riches stored up for you.
The day of release
You have asked and prayed
today is the day of release
In times gone by they sought the holy spirit and had to pray and seek and wait
I tell you this very day the holy spirit will be released to you in full measure
Nothing will be held back
Seek him now and begin your journey toward empowerment
And they full of the holy spirit did exceedingly great deeds
It shall be no less for you
You will do exceedingly great exploits and wonderful miracles in his awesome power
So I tell you be encouraged for this very hour those who have sought him will find him
I declare a day of release for you
I declare a day of victory
The power of the enemy over your life and those close to you will be vanquished