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Thursday 2 March 2023

Long life

 The Lord says, “I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them. I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation.”

Psalms 91:14‭-‬16 NLT

I am with you in your troubles says the Lord

You have travelled far 

I know the troubles you have faced

And the enemies you have made due to honoring my name

Trust me says the lord I shall smite them and contend on your behalf

You will live a long life 

You shall see my hand a work says the lord

I am protector

I am a guiding influence over your life


Wednesday 1 March 2023

Lord and Father

Lord and Father you are king forever

Your Majesty knows no bounds

It is ceaseless and without end

Who knows your thoughts

Who knows your plans

Those whom you have chosen oh Lord

Those on whom your favor rests

A slave does not know his master's business

But sons and daughters know their father's business

My child as you mature

more is expected and more given

Put aside base thinking and become adults in the faith

Let all things become clear

My child let encouragement and power be found in you

For God has seen fit to pour out into your lap blessing upon blessing


Tuesday 28 February 2023


 Kindness is my purpose says the Lord

I am able and willing to meet your needs 

Bring your requests before me and I will give you your hearts desire

Open your heart lay it all down before me

I am your father and have good plans for you

Your entire life is laid out like book before me 

I know when you sit and when you stand 

I know you better than you know yourself

Do not hold back 

Bring every heartache before me even those ones that you dare not bring before men 

My child your prayers rise before me like a sweet perfume 

I am more than able 

You sang it as a child in kindergarten 

You learnt it at your mothers knee

Now it's time to test me in my resolve to pour out kindness into your lap

I lay down a challenge empty your soul before me

Pour it out like a goblet of wine 

And see if I do not pour blessing upon blessing into your life


Monday 27 February 2023

The lord of hosts

I am the Lord of hosts

There is none like me

See, I have opened heavens floodgates 

Reach out and take hold of heavens bounty

Have I not promised a full measure

For all my children 

Come and praise his holy name

For he is worthy above all other names

Let him guide you into fullness 

And allow him to minister to your heart

For his heart is supreme and lofty and above all compassionate to all his children

My child you are his beloved 

And He is your Lord and Saviour 


Tuesday 21 February 2023

Isaiah 53:5 Healing

Isaiah 53: 5.

But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds, we are healed.

Your healing is assured by the sacrifice of the Holy Lamb of God.
By His sacrifice, you are restored.

I decree in the mighty Name of the Lord that all your Iniquity be removed

I decree that all cancer be healed

I decree that all blindness be restored

I decree that all blood disorders be re-ordered to proper functioning in your body

I decree that all deafness be restored

I decree that all demonic pronouncement over your life is null and void by the mighty Name of Jesus and the righteous judgment of the Father.

I break every trauma, every curse, every chain and bondage

Your trauma will be no more

That curse over your life is broken

You are loosed from any chain or bondage that the enemy has placed over your life

You have freedom and liberty to worship the Lord in Spirit and Truth

Take that freedom and liberty and become everything you are destined to be.

You have the power to overcome all demonic obstacles and barriers that the enemy has placed over your life. The enemy has no right over your life for you have been redeemed by the Lamb of God.
