I am the God who created all things
Make Music
Sing and dance
Sing of my wonderous deeds and mighty acts
Dance to the music of harp and lyre
Let me show you heavens rhythms
Partner with me and watch as I transform the nations, says the Lord.
You are my beloved children and it has always been my desire to bless you
speak kind words to your fellow men whether they do good or bad
Learn from me says the Lord
Be patient with the afflicted
Lift up the downcast
I am by your side says the Lord I am with you through all
From this day forth you shall be called a magnificent warrior
for you have battled through many things and overcome
Though you are young you have a maturity greater than your peers because I have taught you
You shall develop into a great warrior
Though a thousand fall at your side you shall remain standing for I shall strengthen you
I shall be a rod in your life say the lord.
Learn to speak my words and you shall bless and comfort many
Allow me to transform your mind
Let my mind become your mind
From this day forth you shall have a strength of mind that comes with great power
there shall be a day of reckoning, a day of judgment, a day of wrath
Yet be encouraged for even my judgment and wrath are poured out for your benefit says the Lord