Rev 12:7-9
7 Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against
the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8 But he was
not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. 9 The great
dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or
Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth,
and his angels with him.
Tell me! Where are Satan and his cohorts?
They are on earth creating havoc among the nations
Even for those of the church who are unaware of his scheming
He has manoeuvred men of rank to do his bidding
There is a vial insipid spirit operating behind the scenes
Tell me! Is it men who pull the strings?
By no means
The grand puppeteer(satan) is in control of evil men
No more so than today for there is a definite lack of respect for the
Word of God these days
Have you not seen the signs?
Are you blind to the days in which you are living?
To the army of the faithful the Body of Christ
Do you not know?
You are a gatekeeper.
You alone stand guard and watch over
your nation
your town
your family
your soul
But see I have sent a helper the Holy Spirit
Have I not called you to bring heaven to earth?
Come, Let us bring turmoil to the kingdom of Satan and His desires for mankind
Come, Let us put an end to the suffering and misery and pain which even now is being inflicted upon the whole world through satan and his cohorts
Do you not know that the first Adam was of this realm but the second
Adam came from God
Speak My word out loud in faith and declare My kingdom
And the kingdom rules of God are enforced
And myriads upon myriads of God's servants of fire bring forth the
demise of satan and his kingdom
Speak His Word with boldness and clarity and faith and the God who
knows the end from the beginning will act on your behalf