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Sunday 30 October 2022

Never Alone

 My child look deep within.

Do you not perceive me?

I am the source of all things both seen and unseen 

I am the first and the last 

I know you as beloved  

I am in you

I am also in the father

So don't be alarmed when I reveal myself

You are my dear child

As you mature more of my will shall be  revealed

I want you to know my will 

Search the scriptures

Look at my dealings with men

Do you find me unfaithful? 

Do you find me absent? 

Even though you don't sense my presence I have always been close by

I am within reach

My hand is always open and toward you

Reach out and take hold 

I shall guide you 

I shall accomplish mighty things in these days

All things shall be done according to my will

You shall lead those who  don't know me

You shall be a good friend and lead them through the darkness 

You shall be a warning and a guide as a lighthouse in rough seas 

Do not be dismayed I am the keeper of the house 

I know when and where to both shine and direct 

Follow my leading and my path 


A new season


7Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.

We are now entering into a new season

It is I who appointment the leaders of men

May all things under heaven be fully realised

Let the new leaders of men seek to serve the living God 

I shall not compromise 

I shall speak 

I will make myself known

The leaders of men shall know my hand upon them

Let them seek to honour the Lord their God

Do not be in any doubt it is I who shall accomplish my will using the steps of men and governments

Though you don't see it

I shall lead them 

As you are under the king so the king is under me 

I shall make myself known to both high and low

I shall accomplish mighty things in these days be in no doubt. Wait and watch and see what I shall accomplish

I have chosen whom I have chosen

Let all things unfold according to the Lord Almighty's sovereign plan


Sunday 23 October 2022

All things belong to him

 Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation, for through him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can’t see— such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created through him and for him.

Colossians 1:15‭-‬16 NLT

Have you considered the last verse 

Everything was created through him and for him.

The things in the unseen world belong to him.

The powers, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world belong to him

The are all under his dominion.

He is king over all kingdoms and realms.

By his supreme authority all of creation must bow

Have you not read the scriptures

The light of his presence dispells the darkness

How can darkness overshadow you when he is present in your life

Trust me he is an everpresent abiding freind and guide

Come into his presence and feel his holiness and might 

His rath is poured out upon all who seek to destroy his body : the church

He will shake the dark powers, the ungodly rulers, and all evil kings

Until all creation bows before his name

Yet his angels bring hope and the infinite power of his resurrection into your life

Heaven is open to all who seek 

He seeks to bring you into his kingdom of light 

Prepare to be amazed at his outpouring of provisions and blessings

Submit to his leading 

That small voice at the back of your mind speaks wonders into your heart

Listen, quiet your mind 

Seek him 

He is nearer than you could imagine

Seek first his kingdom

And he will add abundant blessings into your life


Friday 12 August 2022

Fire and justice

 Justice and fire shall come upon you 

I am fire 

I am justice

My spirit of breakthrough and revival shall come to you 

Be encouraged for I am with you 

And I am greater than any foe that rises against you 

For I  am a sheild around you 

You shall go from victory to victory 

I am fighting with you against the rulers of this dark world 

Have faith and trust in me for I am just and merciful

You shall be crowned with glory after that great and glorious day when all things have been accomplished

Surely I shall grant you the riches I have promised


Tuesday 19 July 2022


 Those who are in me who's names are written in the book of life cannot be shaken 

The bride of christ cannot be shaken

But I will shake the earth 

Everything not rooted in me shall fall 

Be sure to remain rooted 

Everything that is built upon sand will fall

I am a rock a solid foundation 

It is I who appoint the leaders of the nations 

Don't be concerned with the systems of this world 

But seek first my kingdom 

I have bought back dominion and offer it without cost to those who become my children 

You are co-heirs with Christ 

And he has vanquished the curse of death

His death bought for you freedom, not from tyranny or oppression but sin and death 
