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Wednesday 18 October 2023

No time like Now

 I am the ever-present God 

There is none like me!

Though I am patient with men 

There will come a day when I will Judge 

I tell you there is day called today

and a moment called now 

In which to seek the God who made you 

I am chasing you down, running after you 

I am a merciful God 

I show mercy to all mankind

I created all things 

Can you not see?

Do you not know?

It is I who formed you from the dust of the earth.

and to that dust you shall return

You are here for a brief moment and then no more.

Do not think there will be a tomorrow 

For I tell you today and now is that most hallowed moment in which to seek your God.

No one knows the day or the hour that life will cease 

So make today count toward your eternal reward 

Did you not know there is a mansion awaiting my servants who do due dilligence 

Yet even now there are some of you who will escape as through flame 

You will get your reward sure enough

But remember this with the measure you give so shall it be measured

For it is your level of faith which shall be tested 

And remember faith without deeds is dead

Show me your faith and I will show you my deeds

Surely I shall answer you with mighty acts.

Trust in me and I shall work within you 

I shall make you complete 

There will be nothing left undone 





Tuesday 17 October 2023

Ancient of Days

I heard the Lord say


"I am the Ancient of Days 

I am before time and after time 

I spoke all  things into being 

By my Word all things, seen and unseen were created

I shall tarry with men till all things have been fulfilled.

Then the end will come 

But you need not fear 

For I am the everliving one who is without end

I am the one who renews all things and keeps created things in order

You shall live and exist in me 

For I chose you to be with me before time began

There was a time when you were dead, but behold I have given you life 

I am from everlasting to everlasting and I have chosen you to be my friend 

Do not be alarmed when I tell you that all things must end 

This broken world shall end and I shall create a new world fit for my people

I know you!

I know everything about you 

For I formed you in your mothers womb

I have counted the stars in their vast array and know them by name

I am running after you 

chasing after you 

There is nowhere to hide from my presence

I am in the depths and in the heights

I am in the valley and the mountain

I am in the depths of the sea and soar with the eagle.

I am with the blind and the deaf 

for it is I who am their guide

I speak my desires to them

I shall grant favour upon favour to my people 

For I am Father."




Saturday 7 October 2023

Become Holy

Heb 2:11.

So now Jesus and the ones he makes holy have the same Father. That is why Jesus is not ashamed to call them his brothers and sisters.

The family of God is growing everyday 

And our purpose is to share our very selves with a broken world 

For we are the temple of the living God 

He dwells within us 

Our hearts joined with his Heart 

His Spirit within us giving us life

Whom the Son sets free, shall be free indeed.

There is one new creation out of both Jew and Gentile. 

The wall of hostility has been broken down.

Together we are stronger together, than either of us apart 

Together we are one people, under God

Let us speak and act as one kingdom under God 

Both Jew and Non Jew alike share in His glory and peace

The Family of God is One 

He is the Almighty

He is Life and He is Peace

Who does not understand from everything that has been made, that there is, a God in heaven?

Who does not percieve the ever living One?

How can you say there is no God?

When you yourself cry out to Him in times of desperation and great need.

Surely He himself is beside you, when you reach out and call on His Almighty Name

He is not out of reach

Just reach out your hand and you will find Him.

He is ready to meet you with an open heart and an open hand 

Whatever He has is yours 

He has given you His own Spirit by which you cry ABBA Father 

Shall He not come among you and grant favour upon favour.

He the Almighty living God calls you freind

He the Almighty God calls you brother and sister.

And He is both pleased and honoured to do so

Surely it is time to walk the walk of faith and bring yourself into His most Holy Presence 



Tuesday 3 October 2023

A firm foundation

Jer 17:8.

"They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water.

Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought.

Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit."


 Dear friend, 


As long as you grow up emersed in the crystal clear waters of life 

Your circumstances be they stormy or desert like 

you will not come to harm  

As you journey through life you will remain fruitful and your bows will remain strong and sturdy 

even in the strongest of gales

You will produce a good crop and be fruitful till old age

All of creation will be blessed because of you

For you are my child and you are highly revered among your peers because of the light that shines from you

You are a beacon and a lighthouse for your fellow traveler

The God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, will guide you along your path

Follow their light for it shall steer a course to the finish over mountains and through uncharted seas 

To the destination planned for you since before the foundation of the world 

Let Him guide your choices and steer your path

For He knows all things and sees your life laid out before Him like a book 

He knows where your headed and knows how it all ends so you can be sure His commands 

are sure and true.




Friday 29 September 2023

All about the God of Heaven

Hebrews 1:1

"Long ago God spoke many times and in many ways to our ancestors through the prophets."


He created the Universe through His Almighty Son

Who is prince of peace, and from everlasting to everlasting!

He is the first born among all creation 

He lives for all eternity but died a criminals death on a cross

He tore the veil from top to bottom  

All men who truely believe can now enter the Most hallowed place

He is immortal, invisible, God only wise

And by his continuing powerful Word and command  the Universe is held together 

Who shall not honour His Name!

May the God of wonders open his eyes to the Almighty One!

Seek first His kingdom and rightousness 

And he shall add to you, beyond measure, all things planned for you since the dawn of time 

And this is not a trivial matter 

For He seeks to place back into your hands, the dominion of mankind

He shall grant to you all power and authority

lost to all mankind since the time of the first Adam.

Do not shy away from your destiny or hide your light away 

But put it on display for all to see

Surely, He shall bless you with an abundance 

For that is His good pleasure!

He is working behind the scenes to advance His flock and his followers.

Take him at His word when he says.

" I shall seek after you with all my heart for I am weeping for those who are perishing."

He is forever faithful God and He is within you .

For He saw fit to grant you spiritual life which forever  feeds the soul.

Take good care of your soul for it is the means by which you interact with both the world around you.

(outside the body) and within your very being. 

Does your soul thirst for the things of God?.

Does your mind crave the knowledge of God?.

Do you seek wisdom, council, power and might?.

Who shall not revere His name?.

For He is from everlasting to everlasting.

He shall in these days pour out such a blessing into your life.

That You will not have room enough to contain it.

So fill you cup with the oil of Joy, and let Him speak His Word into you very soul.
