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Monday, 20 January 2020

Tower of strength

I am a tower of strength

Draw from me and stand

My name is above every name for I created all things.

Let me clothe you with my garments and put my cloak of protection around you.

Let my spirit draw near and I will prosper you.

Even now my heart rejoices over you my child I yearn for your love

Let me bless you
Let me guide you
Let me teach you

And will show you my most precious secrets. I will reveal mysteries and conundrums and put things in place to reveal all things

I will give you the wisdom of creation itself. You shall accomplish things in this generation like no other.

I will give you remedies and cures for the most pernicious of diseases.

You shall prosper in ways you cannot fathom. I will show the depths of my grace and favour and blessing.

Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Seek me

Seek me and you will find me.

I am not distant or far away.

I am closer than your own shadow.

I have put my Spirit in you.

Do you not know the power and authority available to you!

The Spirit within you has power to heal sickness, demolish strongholds, break chains and release prisoners.

You have power to trample serpents and drink poison without harm.

Have you not read how Paul was locked in a prison cell and I sent an angel to release him.

or how the blind beggar received his sight or how a man who lived in the tombs was set free.

Do you not beleive ??

Test my word's and see if they are not trustworthy.

You must have no doubt in your heart or mind.

Be absolutely convinced and see your declarations come to pass.

Blessed are those who believe without seeing

Might I remind you, your prayer has been heard and presented before my father who judges with righteousness and truth.

Have you not heard that the kingdom of heaven is within you

It is time to call it forth

It is time to bring heaven to earth

I know you!

I was there when you walked by the hurting thinking I would not answer!

I was there when the lame were before you yet you failed to speak out and offer prayer!

You are despised because you are luke warm !

You say you believe yet act as though you don't !

You have been given power yet fail to use it !

Stop it ! Now !

Believe in Me and my Word!

Trust me

I shall not fail you

The time has come to put your faith into action.

Heal the sick

Cast out demons

Break chains

Deliver the opressed

Bring release to the captives

Raise the dead.

Bring wealth were there is poverty

Bring provision were there is lack.

Do not be afraid I am with you.


Wednesday, 8 January 2020

I am patience

I am patient says the lord
I have carried you and eased your burden
Yet you have spurned me because you think I have deserted you

Have I not told you I would never leave you
Have you not read my word's to you

Are you slow of mind ?

Far be it from you to spurn my leading
You have journeyed far
Just a little farther and you will reach the goal

Might I remind you

Of your great successes
Of your wonderous achievements

Yet you are not satisfied

Let greed be far from you
Let gluttony be removed
Be careful you might fail to digest your food.

I am not talking about your stomach

Let your sustainance be to do my will

Obey as you ought

And all will go well with you

Disobey me and feel my wrath for I delight in showing you my Love!


Even my wrath is poured out for your good!

I am the God who seeks your greatest good


My patience is Love
My hate is Love.
My kindness is Love.
My anger is Love.

My desire is to bless mankind

I am coming soon

The trumpet shall sound


Sunday, 5 January 2020

Look and see

Look and see the glory of the king

See his wonderful deeds
His awesome majesty

Too wondrous to behold
He sends refreshing rain on the land, it quenches harmful flames.

I looked and saw clouds full to the brim and winds from the west

Let there be downpours from heavens storehouse

Do not despair! I am a creative God I shall renew the land

I shall show my glory


Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Come let us rebuild our city (part 2)

I called the elders of the city to meet me under the great tree in the outer court.

They came and met with me, grumbling about the walls of the city

So I said to them, 'Do not be dismayed for I have the favor of my king!

See he has already sent supplies and provisions and everything we need to rebuild the city'.

I took them to the harbour and they saw ships I had brought.

They marveled at the generosity of my king.

So they called the people of the city and gathered labourers and skilled men of all kinds.

They began to rebuild their city with each clan, tribe and house given a section to rebuild

So the elders set about rebuilding the city.

Soon word spread about what we were doing and a cheer went up and the people marveled at the things we were doing.

I looked and saw childern dancing in the street and musicians playing the harp and the lyre.

The people marveled at the sight and were greatly encouraged

Our bitter enemy looked and saw what we were beginning to accomplish and they were terrified 'If we can destroy their city and ruin its people and yet they have begun to do this. What have they planned for us ? They were greatly discouraged, many of them fled, just a handful remained.

When the elders saw the enemy fleeing they were greatly encouraged and sent word to the skilled fighting men and present themselves to those of our enemy that remain. So it was done, When our bitter enemy saw us coming they to fled so they gave chase. They chased them shouting and waving their spears as far as the cities outer limits. They sent word to the city elders and a great cry wentout from the people of the city. And so the enemy was routed on that day. 

The gates of the city were set in place and its towers and walls rebuilt.

People flocked from all the land to see the works we had achieved.

They marveled at the wonders of the city.

Jehovah Jireh provides and has given his angels charge over you.
