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Saturday 15 February 2020

The Most Holy Place

You have journeyed far

you are tired and weary

Just a little further

You have reached the Holy Place

Look and see ! The curtain has been rent in two

Come commune with me in the Most Holy Place

Make it your dwelling

No longer is the Most Holy Place a physical room in a tent or house

But is found in right relationship with my Son

So come and walk with Me

You have not journeyed alone for I have been with you

The cabod of God is waiting for you

Become a sibling of my child Israel.

A Holy Nation

My chosen people

Have I not told you ?

Do you not understand ?

Join with Israel and be blessed .

Why journey this hard road? It has surely been a difficult road

But blessing awaits for you !

Do not be troubled for I will not let you see ruin!

I have your best interests at heart!

I have a plan to prosper you!

To heal you!

Come closer and step across the threshold into the Most Holy Place and commune with me

Let my Glory overshadow you

Let my presence heal you for all who truly commune with me are blessed beyond measure!


Sunday 9 February 2020

Words from God behold....

Behold I am bringing my peoples from the 4 corners of the earth. If you my people Israel do not bring the blind and deaf, tho they have both eyes and ears. Tell me who will guide them to me!

Rivers will pass over you but you will not be harmed. Fire will wash over you but you will not be burned.

The heavens will open up but you will not be harmed

I wash you with balm and soothe your pain.

I cleanse you and remove your stains

I pour perfume on you.

Tell me who is God in Israel. Is there any God like me in the whole earth.

I knew you before the world was made.

I fashioned you in your mothers womb.

I know you.

As for you .

I appoint and anoint you today to be a prophet priest and king to the nations. Your offspring will be as the sand on the shore and the stars in the sky.

Saturday 8 February 2020

Be strong and courageous

Be strong and be courageous

The fulfilment if times is coming

Do not lose hope

Keep your fervour

In these days there shall be sounds of trumpets in the clouds

There shall be signs and wonders in the heavens

Look and see the signs

watch and be vigilant for those that perceive my signs will be blessed

There shall be signs in the heavens and the earth and the seas

Set yourself watchmen and see

I will shake the earth

All men will bow before me


Sunday 26 January 2020

Your food is to do my will

Let your food be to do my will

Pray and ask for my plan for your life to be revealed to you

I desire your greatest good

You say let us obey Gods word

That is good

Yet my will for your life is more than the teaching in my word to you

It is my revealed will for your life

Ask me and I shall reveal my plan for your life

Come close to me and know me

Seek to emulate my Son and obey His teaching

Let knowledge and wisdom be found in you
Let power and might be found in you
Let council and the fear of the lord be found in you.

I am the God of fire and judgement

I am the creator of all things

I can not lie

You are powerful as the lion
And gentle as the lamb

You are peaceful like the dove
And wise as the owl

You are cunning as the fox
And swift as the cheetah

All these things are true of you


Wednesday 22 January 2020

Believe in the Son

The Son has a name higher than the angels

God never said to any of his angels 'Today I have become your father'

But God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in His begotten Son

And when He that is Christ overcame death by being raised was granted the right hand seat in the throne room of the One true living God.

It was He the Word made flesh which made His earth His dwelling

His name is Higher than any other name either in heaven or earth or under the earth.

He has power and authority over all creation whether seen or unseen.

And yet he desires to know you as  friend.

Seek him and you will find Him

He is not far away or difficult to reach

Open the eyes of your heart

It is not His desire that any should perish.

Wake up and smell His sweet aroma

The aroma of forgiveness and mercy,  pleasant and calming on the nostrils.

It removes the pungent smell of death and decay.

A life giving affirming  aroma

Seek Him

He is waiting for you !

He created all things.

He knows your inmost thoughts and desires.

So do not delay in seeking Him.
