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Sunday 6 September 2020

Provide for those in need

06 September 2020

Be at peace because I am the Sovereign Lord

It is I who planned the stars

It is I who steers the planets

It is I who causes the rain and the snow

I created all things

I created you

And I love you beyond your understanding

You were designed for communion with me

I am leading you into green pastures

There is much to be done

See how the sparrow works to build its nest in season it gathers food for its young

I provide all a sparrow needs yet the sparrow has to gather it in

So I send you after the harvest

The time is now

There are souls who hunger and thirst

I appoint you to reach them

If not you


If not now


So give a portion of bread to those who hunger

And drink to those that thirst

In this way you will meet the requirements of love

Give to those in need

Grant freedom to the captives

Redeem the judged

Pour out healing balm on the hurting

See to it that no one is poor or needy


Wednesday 2 September 2020

On Unity

I am the God who delights to show you his Love

You have always been my beloved

I desire to be in communion with you

Be restored to me my child

I am a loving and protective father I desire nothing but greatness for you

Find rest beneath my wings

Whilst you were young I nurtured you now you are mature

Yet I am still your loving father

It's time to be the soul I created you to be

Put aside foolish and futile thinking

Do not yeild to the flesh for it always leads you away from me

I am always kind and compassionate to those whom I love

I love you beyond your understanding

You cannot fathom how deep or wide or high my love is for you

I sent my only son to redeem you

And He was given keys to all things 

He was given power and authority and wants to share it with you

Be restored to me and reserve your place at my   table


Friday 14 August 2020


My power is at work within your bodily members.

It is mighty and awesome able to affect body and soul and spirit

It is the same power the raises the dead  and flings stars into space

A miracle can happen for you !

For I am working with angels who have been given charge over you.

Open your spiritual eyes , the eyes of your heart.

See what they have brought you.

See and know and take the gifts they have for you.

It's time to move in power and authority for I have ordained greatness for you.

Partner with me and see the world change.

I never stop thinking about you for you are my child  and I love you.

There is no longer any reason to hold back for I have won complete victory over all things 


Thursday 13 August 2020


Your destiny is secure in the Lord.
Become everything I have planned for you this next season.

There is power and authority in the name of Jesus
I am confident that you are doing well and that you can see the Lord at work in your life.

There's  good days coming for all who believe in the Lord.

Be of good cheer I always have good plans for you

I will not shipwreck you

I am confident that you are doing everything possible to get the gifts and talents that I have offered you.

Claim them


Thursday 6 August 2020

The Kingdom

The Kingdom of God has come

Let it be forever known 

Send the message through the whole world 

Christ is the Kingdom 

He is among us 

He stands ready to grant you victory

Humble yourselves and pray 

And receive an anointing from Him

Pick up the mantle that has been prepared for you 

Get yourself ready for the time is at hand 

I am have come that you may have life 

Partner with me and become more than you could dream or imagine 

You will become mighty and prosperous 

I have clothed you with my righteousness 

Your sin no longer has dominion over you for I have blotted it out

You shall stand above and beyond your circumstance 

For you shall soar and glide upon the winds of my Spirit 

Let my Spirit carry you to new and green pastures.

Find rest under my wings 

As a swan carries her young so I shall carry you.

You need not fear for I am Holy 

It was my word that created all things 

Therefore come to me and receive from my hand 

and you shall have an abundance 
