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Friday 6 January 2023

Blessings for Gods people

 I am the Alpha and Omega

I am the first and the last

I died but I am alive for evermore

I know all things

I formed you in your mothers womb

I knit you together from the dust of the earth

Listen and take heed I shall pour out blessing upon blessing to those that know me and keep my commands

But curse upon curse upon those who's names are not written in the lambs book of life.

Those with ears to hear let them understand

I'm a jealous God

I desire that all creation worships me for I am from everlasting to everlasting

I have loved mankind since before the foundation of the earth 

Does not a father desire that his children love him of their own free will

Yet am patient with my children who have turned away from me

It is my desire that all of creation turns to me

Let none of my children perish where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth


End times

 And I saw another angel flying through the sky, carrying the eternal Good News to proclaim to the people who belong to this world—to every nation, tribe, language, and people. “Fear God,” he shouted. “Give glory to him. For the time has come when he will sit as judge. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and all the springs of water.”

Revelation 14:6‭-‬7 NLT

Look to the skies people of the world

No one knows the day or the hour 

When I shall judge all men

Be watchful and vigilant people of God 

For I shall come like thief in the night 

Be ready to give account for your deeds

I am the righteous judge who knows all things 

My name is faithful and true 

I am patient with all people

I shall pour out my wrath upon the wicked

But the righteous will inherit the earth

Those written in the lambs book of life shall know eternal rest

They shall sit with me entroned on high

Wednesday 4 January 2023

The Potter and the plans of god

 Then the Lord gave me this message: “O Israel, can I not do to you as this potter has done to his clay? As the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand. If I announce that a certain nation or kingdom is to be uprooted, torn down, and destroyed, but then that nation renounces its evil ways, I will not destroy it as I had planned. And if I announce that I will plant and build up a certain nation or kingdom, but then that nation turns to evil and refuses to obey me, I will not bless it as I said I would.

Jeremiah 18:5‭-‬10 NLT

I am the master weaver. I weave  man's choices into my sovereign will

I am the ever living one

I am the Alpha and the Omega

I know your thoughts before you do

I see your deeds and respond with kindness to the righteous and wrath to the wicked

Read the scriptures 

Consider my dealings with men throughout time

Show your faith by your deeds

And I will respond in kind


Evil teachers and false prophets

 Many will follow their evil teaching and shameful immorality. And because of these teachers, the way of truth will be slandered. In their greed they will make up clever lies to get hold of your money. But God condemned them long ago, and their destruction will not be delayed.

2 Peter 2:2‭-‬3 NLT

I am the Lord Almighty

You evil teachers and false prophets listen to me 

Stop perverting my truth and corrupting my word.

You have deceived many 

You have become rich and powerful

I know your evil thoughts and they offend me

I have watched you since the day you were born

Your thoughts are evil and corrupt all the time

I shall strip you of your riches

And cast you into darkness


God will rescue you

 So you see, the Lord knows how to rescue godly people from their trials, even while keeping the wicked under punishment until the day of final judgment.

2 Peter 2:9 NLT

I am the ever living one. I died but behold I am alive for evermore

Trust in me and I shall rescue you

I shall rescue my children from their trials

Not so the wicked for I shall punish them 

I shall keep them in bondage till the day of judgement

They will have to give an account for their deeds

The righteous shall abide with me 

Not so the wicked they shall be cast where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth 
