I am the Alpha and Omega
I am the first and the last
I died but I am alive for evermore
I know all things
I formed you in your mothers womb
I knit you together from the dust of the earth
Listen and take heed I shall pour out blessing upon blessing to those that know me and keep my commands
But curse upon curse upon those who's names are not written in the lambs book of life.
Those with ears to hear let them understand
I'm a jealous God
I desire that all creation worships me for I am from everlasting to everlasting
I have loved mankind since before the foundation of the earth
Does not a father desire that his children love him of their own free will
Yet am patient with my children who have turned away from me
It is my desire that all of creation turns to me
Let none of my children perish where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth