Who is like You among the gods, O Lord? Who is like You, majestic in holiness, Awesome in splendor, working wonders? You in Your loving kindness and goodness have led the people whom You have redeemed; In Your strength, You have guided them with care to Your holy habitation. You will bring them [into the land of promise] and plant them on the mountain (Mt. Moriah in Jerusalem) of Your inheritance, The place, O Lord, You have made for Your dwelling [among them], The sanctuary, O Lord, which Your hands have established.
Exodus 15:11, 13, 17 AMP
God is majestic in holiness, and here God is guiding His once enslaved but now redeemed people into His holiness. The people shall inhabit the place of His holiness. God and His redeemed and now sanctified people shall live in the same place. His sanctuary.
There I will meet with the Israelites, and the Tent of Meeting shall be sanctified by My glory [the Shekinah, God’s dwelling presence].
Exodus 29:43 AMP
Then Moses said to Aaron, “This is what the Lord said: ‘I will be treated as holy by those who approach Me, And before all the people I will be honored.’ ” So Aaron, therefore, said nothing.
Leviticus 10:3 AMP
Only the priests could approach God. And it is through the priests that the glory, majesty, and holiness of God, are revealed to His people.
And one called out to another, saying, “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts; The whole earth is filled with His glory.”
Isaiah 6:3 AMP
Consider the seraphim singing of God's holiness ...The whole earth is filled with His glory.
The glory, majesty, and holiness of God are made manifest for all to see.
Our God dwells in a consuming fire and light that are unapproachable. This can be seen in the account of Moses and the burning bush. Both fire and light speak of His holiness. As Moses grew in His faith to approach God He began to carry His presence. So much so that his countenance was changed and his face shone.
Listen to me, my child.
I shall lead you to dwell in my holiness
I shall be both with you and in you
I shall surround you with my glory, majesty, and holiness.
You shall carry my presence with you wherever you go.
People will be drawn to you because of me says the Lord.
You shall manifest my holiness before the people.
The whole earth shall look at you and be amazed.
Through you, I shall be glorified in the whole earth.
Leaders, Cities, Towns, Nations, Kingdoms, and Peoples
shall be drawn to me in these days for I shall be among my people.
And they shall manifest my glory, majesty, and holiness
Watch and be amazed at what I am doing among my people and on the earth.
Surely, I shall be honored and glorified by my people
It is as you lose sight of self, in favour of me that you manifest my glory
I have redeemed you, you are mine.
You are not your own.
Praise me before men and I shall show both them and you my holiness for I dwell in the praises of my people.
Never before has a generation needed God's holiness like this generation.
A generation starved of the knowledge of me.
Tell me, who shall tell them and who shall go
What shall be your answer?