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Saturday 21 January 2023

Divine Authority

 Look, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them. Nothing will injure you.

Luke 10:19 NLT

My child I have given you Divine authority over all the power of the enemy

Snakes and scorpions have no power over you 

You are safe 

Have faith when you plunder the enemies ground 

Take back what the enemy has stolen

It's time to declare war and take the fight to the enemy

Authority belongs to you for I have bestowed it to you.

But the power belongs to me

When authority and power work hand In glove then all things are possible


Friday 20 January 2023

Deeper into the land

I am leading you deeper into the land

Where there is much fruit and great provisions

I will be with you

I have secured the land ahead of you.

Take possession of it

There is no need to fear

For the land is already in my possession

I am giving to you as an inheritance for your decendants

You will be the father of many
You will make disciples and lead others to greatness

You will bestow giftings and talents as the spirit has given you.

Many others will follow where you have led

There is much to be done

My Spirit will guide you

I have sent angels ahead of you

I hem you in before and behind

You shall be victorious in everything I have commanded you.

For I have prepared the ground


Thursday 19 January 2023

I put my Spirit in you

Do you prophesy over stones and cards and speak words over seekers of truth

Your desire is to bring healing and words of comfort to many

Yet you know there is more than what you have

Today is the day of new beginnings

I am calling to you! Where you are now is not where I need you to be.

I put my Spirit in you in the days of your youth

Seek me as you did in your youth

I know you. I ordained your days before I planned creation

I know when you rise up and when you sit down

I know your heart for it is I who created that heart

I put Life in you.

Behold I shall move.

I shall visit you

I shall bring you back to myself for I have loved you with an everlasting love

I have never stopped loving you

I shall lead you back to me

For it was ordained for you before the creation of the world

Be restored to me for I know your heart.

Have done with soothsaying and necromancy and put an end to your divinations

Come to me for I have ordained greatness for you.

I emplore you (I not the lord )

Come before the mercy seat of Christ for He is your fulfilment and your destiny

He gave you purpose you been bewitched by those who seek to devour your mortal soul.

I urge you repent of your divinations and sorcery and witchcraft.




A God who heals

I am the God who heals your infirmity and disease.

There is no God like me in all of creation.

For I created all things, the seen and the unseen, the desert and the plain.

My light shines in the darkness, nothing is hidden from me.

I walked with you by your side yet you were unaware of me.

You thought you were alone and I had abandoned you.

Dear child I love you beyond measure

There is nothing to compare with my love for you.

Come to me let me wash away your stains

You shall be whiter than snow.

You shall be blessed when you hand your life to me

Tuesday 17 January 2023

Pure Gold

 “I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth! You say, ‘I am rich. I have everything I want. I don’t need a thing!’ And you don’t realize that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked.

Revelation 3:15‭-‬17 NLT

So I advise you to buy gold from me—gold that has been purified by fire. Then you will be rich. Also buy white garments from me so you will not be shamed by your nakedness, and ointment for your eyes so you will be able to see.

Revelation 3:18 NLT

“Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends. Those who are victorious will sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat with my Father on his throne.

Revelation 3:20‭-‬21 NLT

Have you become indifferent?

God says he will vomit you out of his mouth

Is your faith wishy washy?

Is hell a real place for you?

So you've given mental assent to everything you've been taught

But does it move your heart and fill your heart with compassion 

Is God's word mere information to you?

Clothe yourself with compassion and open the eyes of your hearts 💕

He wants to talk with you over a meal and set you on the path to victory

And when you are victorious he will share his throne with you 


Do not despair

Do not despair

You are tired and weary

You have reached the end of your endurance

Have I not told you "I am with you always"
And "My strength is made perfect in weakness"

So then be encouraged for I am strong and mighty

I will not let you see ruin

I will not let you fall

For I am your guide and it is I who lights your way

So be of good cheer and have confidence in my presence

You will not see decay


Sovereign Lord

Be at peace because I am the Sovereign Lord

It is I who planned the stars

It is I who steers the planets

It is I who causes the rain and the snow

I created all things

I created you

And I love you beyond your understanding

You were designed for communion with me

I am leading you into green pastures

There is much to be done

See how the sparrow works to build its nest in season it gathers food for its young

I provide all a sparrow needs yet the sparrow has to gather it in

So I send you after the harvest

The time is now

There are souls who hunger and thirst

I appoint you to reach them

If not you


If not now


So give a portion of bread to those who hunger

And drink to those that thirst

In this way you will meet the requirements of love

Give to those in need

Grant freedom to the captives

Redeem the judged

Pour out healing balm on the hurting

See to it that no one is poor or needy


Hold on to faith

Hold on to your faith like breath itself

For faith is the key to the door of His kingdoms blessing.

Do not give up. Holy is the Almighty
He is God

He alone is sovereign

Praise Him for He alone is worthy to be praised

The sun rises and sets at His bidding

Be in in awe of His mighty hand

He alone governs the stars

Majestic is His name high above all

Yet He chose you to bring forth His kingdom on earth

Be filled with wonder at His power

Yet He calls you friend and beloved

Praise the Lord

The order has been given by the Father in heaven. A messenger with His resolution has been despatched.

He is here to guide you into your future.

Listen to Him! He breathes life into dead bones! He opens blind eyes and deaf ears! He is resurrection and life!

He will open up the kingdom's storehouses and pour out blessing upon blessing

Come see if His blessings do not taste sweet as honey

For the Good of all Men

Seek good, not evil, that you may live.

My child seek the utmost for your fellow. Whether he is of good character or not.

Seek the best for your friend and your adversary.

For my courts bless those who seek good for all, as I do.

You yourself have an advocate who seeks favour and pardon on your behalf.

I am that advocate.

Come lets us dine together and commune together.

Lets us agree a plan for your salvation and redemption.

Come to me and receive favour

Come to me and let my grace  adorn you.

Monday 16 January 2023

Humble yourselves

If my people will humble themselves
I will heal your land

Seek me and my kingdom. You shall see it  reign in your midst

It is my desire to bring my kingdom into every part of your land

North, south, east, and west shall birth people of great faith and they shall lead my people.

They shall be like true sons who only do what I do

They will rise up out of the unknown and be men and women of prayer

Let them govern diligently

You will know them by their great faith, they will be like daniel and be trained in many skills and be men and women of prayer.