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Sunday, 26 December 2021

Life abundant

 My dear children I came to bring you life and abundance

Come into my presence 

Death is vanquished and life is full of vibrance 

Still your soul and come into my presence

And find life in all its fullness 

I am the creator of all things 

I create from nothing and make it something

I shall take the weak the ones the world despises and make them into great children of God 

Remember how far you yourself have come 

Look at yourself and see what I have made 

You have every reason to be confident

The work begun in you shall be finished

Nothing I work on goes to waste 

I tell you your journey has not finished yet

I make crooked roads straight and rough roads smooth 

I make high mountains  like level ground

I turn the desert into fertile land 

I calm stormy seas 

I tell you speak

to your desert 

to your mountain 

to your stormy sea

And watch how I respond


Thursday, 16 December 2021

Victory is yours

 Every time the commanders of the Philistines attacked, David was more successful against them than all the rest of Saul’s officers. So David’s name became very famous.

1 Samuel 18:30 NLT

Just like David I am with you 

When your enemies attack you 

You shall defeat them 

Boldness shall carry you to victory

Endurance shall be your possession

Go forth and take the land I am giving you for you and your children and all that follow.

The land is good and rich in nutrients 

Whatever you plant there shall reap a harvest of such size that your barns will overflow

This is what I declare before God

You shall reap where others have sown

You shall gain the riches of the wicked for it is stored up for the righteous

You plant and reap 

You shall be given a harvest full and overflowing with goodness

Take action and watch me respond

Plant and sow and reap the harvest I have planned for you 

You are my beloved child and I have nothing but good planned for you.

You shall use the sword and the sheild I have given you

Train yourself to weild them in battle


Monday, 18 October 2021

A new Season

 There is a new season coming 

A season of opening

Open doors 

Open opportunity

Open heavens 

I am opening doors for you simply because i desire the best for my children

No longer shall closed doors barr your way 

Lost opportunity will be restored to you 

Heaven has always been open to you

open skies will come the clouds will part and the sun will shine upon you.

Examine your heart 

See have i not declared you free from accusations and judgements

Ask me for bread will I not give freely with open heart

Ask me for help will I not send my angels to attend you

Ask me and  I shall give freely because you are my beloved child 


Sunday, 10 October 2021


 I am the God of abundance

I created all things

It is my desire to provide for all your needs 

I am kind and caring 

Everything Ido I do for your benefit 

I love you with an everlasting love 

You find completion in me

When we become one there is nothing that together we cannot accomplish 

I have an abundance of blessing and favour in store for you 


Thursday, 7 October 2021

The God who cares

 I am the God who cares for all your needs

I give strength where there is weakness

I give supply where there is lack

I give love in the midst of hate

Come to me and Iwill surely meet all your needs

I provide sustaining power wherever it is needed

I will surely answer your requests with favour and blessing

Be prepared 

I have  a plan and a purpose for all my children 

You are being prepared for my purposes 

Trust me in this

You succeed where others fail

And prosper where others fall

You are destined for greatness


My heart weeps

 My heart weeps at your suffering my child 

Be encouraged I shall not allow suffering to become too much for you to bear 

For I will not break you 

Indeed I have plans to prosper you and not to harm you

I have great things in store for you

I am the God who knows all things

Trust me when I say that all things work together for your benefit 

I shall pour  out unending blessing into you life 

You shall know comfort 

You shall know prosperity and wholeness

Awesome things are coming your way


Wednesday, 14 July 2021


 That victory you have been waiting for will soon be realised.

Just a little while longer 

Have faith and do not get discouraged now when victory is in the air

Let God open your nostrils to smell victory

Its closer than you could imagine 

I am the God who knows all things 

I tell you your victory is just around the corner 

Test me in this pray and present your request before me 

See if I do not deliver victory in to your hand


Monday, 5 July 2021

Taking back the land

 I am the lord almighty 

I know how you have suffered

I am with you 

Against all odds you shall prevail

The odds may seem to be stacked against you

But I am working 

I will never tire of doing good for your benefit

I make mountains smooth and crooked roads straight

You will walk from deserts and wildernesses into a land flowing with milk and honey 

You will seize the land the enemy has stolen

Stolen Blessings and unanswered prayers will be returned or answered 

The spoils of war will be yours 

The fight is won on your knees 

submit to God 

Yeild to his rulings for he is a righteous judge

Present your case before the throne of the king

For he is wise and compassionate


Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Peace be unto you

Father, Let your peace invade the earth

Let your holiness be magnified in mens hearts

Let blind eyes be opened

Let the lame walk and the deaf hear

Be at peace my child

For I am the creator of all things

I know all things 

You are my beloved

I am coming to claim my bride 

let there be a purging and a seperating

let all evil be cleansed from the earth.

begin in the here and the now 

let there be signs in the heavens above and the earth below

let prophecy increase 

let signs and wonders increase across the earth

let there be financial miracles for the poor

let the homeless be housed 

let those in hospital be healed 

let mountains be moved and droughts cease let there be an overnight growth of food for the those in areas of famine

let wars cease


Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Heart plea

Father God

I am a broken man

I stand before you naked and blind

Clothe me with your compassion

Open the eyes of my heart

You are mighty

You know all things

Pour out your blessing and be unto me holiness and righteousness

The carnal man sees emptiness but the eyes of faith see a full table

Oh that I see with eyes of faith

I pour out my heart before you my God and King

You are the God who binds the broken hearted

I am holding you to your promise my God

Become my righteousness

Become my holiness

Become my peace


Two men

Two men both at the end of their lives

Both mistreated each other one forgave and found redemption

The other at the end if their life was bitter and twisted

From his bed he made one final act of cruelty

As he lay there he desperately needed to feel loved he wanted to forgive too but his heart was bitter and he refused to yeild.

Both men died that night

At the gate when facing final judgement

One said I wanted to forgive but could not find it in my heart

The angel behind the gate said that he had done everything asked of him except stop being cruel to others

Then he was cast into darkness

Meanwhile the other man still sobbing from the other mans final gesture was met with open arms

He had given up everything

Both started in the same place

But finished miles apart


Awesome God

 My lord you are awesome and mighty

None can compare with you

You love without conditions

Simply because its your nature to love

Indeed you are the embodiment of love

Your sacrifice opened the way back

You stand ready and are awaiting my welcome

So I welcome you with open arms 

My lord you are too wonderful too awesome too mighty beyond comprehension

Yet I can know you as abba father 

I am wretched pitiful poor and blind 

I come to you my lord knowing im a sinful man 

Forgiven and declared righteous by your authority and power

Fear not my child I have redeemed you

You are mine

You will dine at my table

I have appointed you to lead

Others will look to you and by your example they will follow you 

They will follow you as they followed me

I shall give you a new name because you have been redeemed

You shall sing in zion and declare my name to the lost

You will live on hallowed ground every step you take from this day forward will take you further into victory

For I have ordained great and wonderous things for you

I plan to prosper you 

I plan to restore you 

I shall take your burden and cast it into the depths of the sea


Friday, 7 May 2021

False report

And I say unto you be cleansed of your sin you shall be as white as snow.

You shall bear guilt and shame no longer 

Watch and be amazed at my outpouring

For I have placed before you an open door that no man can shut.

It shall be unto you according to the power that worketh in you 

I shall meet you 

I shall make my presence known to you 

For I desire that you know me  as I know you

My commandments are beneficial for all who obey them

Write my words in your heart 

You are commanded to love your neighbour as you love yourself

And to treat others as you yourself would like to be treated

Behold I am amongst you 

I am the orphan you took in

I am the hungry you fed

Hold nothing back from those in need 

Give as much as you can

Live in such a way as to keep yourself well

Stand guard and pray

Be amazed at my defence of you for I see all things 

I know the plans of your enemy

And have cut them off. Their plans shall come to nothing 


Friday, 2 April 2021

A Dream of royalty

I was asleep in bed dreaming of traveling in a bus to an airport.

We were interviewees traveling through a disused airport with abandoned airplanes everywhere.

The bus stopped and we all got out by the side of an old rustic shed.

The driver got out and took of his outer garment to reveal an army uniform.

He stood on a rusty old circular manhole cover.

There was a sound of rushing wind and both he and the manhole cover descended a circular shaft that had lights every 10 foot or so. We could tell that because both the man and the cover would light up. He descended about 4 levels and a doorway in the side of the shaft opened up he walked through and the shaft went dark and another manhole cover took the place of the old one.

A jeep arrived. All the interviewees got in and drove away. I was told to stay where I was. 

The manhole cover lite up. I was wondering what to do. I decided to step on to it. As soon as I did there was the sound of rushing wind again. The manhole cover descended once again but it whet lower than the drivers level about another 4 levels.

A door opened up and revealed soldiers lined up either side of the hall way I walked through they all saluted as I walked by. 

I was greeted by a small child like figure in army uniform Welcome to the admiralty your majesty said the small child. 'Follow me' , said a tall man who appeared as if from nowhere. I just stared at him he had piercing blue eyes  

He tapped on the map on the wall behind him  it open up and we walked through a long corridor to an ordinary looking doorway. He told me to wait. 

Slowly the door open up to reveal a large room with black and white chessboard style flooring. 

At the far end of the room was a single throne 

Sat in it was an elderly gentle man 

''Welcome my son,'', he said.

''I am confused,'', I said, ''What am I doing here?'', How is that you call me son. 

''You are my son through adoption'', he replied.    

''You are here to fulfil your destiny.'', he said, ''I am going to help you.'', he said. 

''You are here to be trained in all things'' 

I awoke with the words

I have been chosen on my lips  

What do I take from this dream.

1. We have all been chosen by God 

2. All of us have a special purpose 

3. We shall all meet our maker, the chief of heaven's armies A special few meet Him regular.

4. Royalty are only taken into bunkers when war is declared.

5. We are all princes and princesses of Gods kingdom. 

6.  An audience awaits for all who believe.

7. He will make his sovereign will known to all who seek Him with due diligence.


9. Learn the skills and crafts associated with your destiny. He will make them known 

10. We belong in heaven's kingdom. This world we live in, is not our home.

11. When all is said and all is done. He will make a final judgement.

12. Those who make the grade will receive all things

13. Having passed the judgement you will live for all time in heaven.

14. The good news is someone else took the punishment and paid for your crimes.

15. He died and rose again for you!

16. Be determined to win and not lose.

17. Choose HIM today!

18. Remember heaven's sacrifice.

19. The faith to receive forgiveness is a gift from God.

20. Forgiveness is the free gift of God to all mankind.


Friday, 12 February 2021


 Perseverance calls out from the road you journey on 

He makes his presence felt along the path toward the heights 

He has always been trustworthy

From ages past He has brought many through dark days 

Can you live without Him ?

Who can know the depths of His favour ?

He has always been a trusty companion !

Why would you be without Him?

He will guide you through rough seas like a ship that holds fast to its course.

Become one with Him and He will guide you through rough seas and land you in safely on shore. 

Wednesday, 27 January 2021

Stretch forth thy hand

 Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”

Acts 4:30 NIV

Do it today stretch forth your hand 

For there is power in the name

Your guardian angel will guide you through these difficult times

Overcome fear with love and compassion 

The devil hates it when we show unbridled love to others

Radical purposeful compassion releases power

Strength and conditioning of your soul and body works wonders

Condition your soul for authority

For Jesus has granted you power to use his name

Be amazed at what will happen when you stretch forth your hand


Wednesday, 20 January 2021

The power of obedience

 You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country.  The fruit of your womb will be blessed, and the crops of your land and the young of your livestock—the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks.  You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out.

Deuteronomy 28:3‭-‬4‭, ‬6 NIV

Those who obey the lord's command will be blessed

God will bless you in your work and in your family in providing you great blessings and he will sustain your life 

You will be blessed in your movements your comings and goings

He will also bring your enemies to their knees 

He will fight your corner

His angels will guard your path


Friday, 15 January 2021

The remnant

Surely it is time for the remnant to arise

This year 2021 is the year the spirit of resurrection will come to you

Its time to rise up stand up and speak out

the spirit of death and decay will be vanquished

Do you see it?

Do you perceive it?

God is going to restore the remnant of the church

Speak and command the spirit of death to leave

Bind it in chains on iron

Speak and command the spirit of decay to depart from you

Today is the day

Now is the time



Speak out

Call forth your Victory

Call forward you salvation

Be resilient and your house will be restored

Be strong and courageous and despite your circumstances

Begin to praise the lord

Worship the lord with all your strength and he will embolden you with power from on high
