Look! A messenger is coming over the mountains with good news! He is bringing a message of peace. Celebrate your festivals, O people of Judah, and fulfill all your vows, for your wicked enemies will never invade your land again. They will be completely destroyed!
Nahum 1:15 NLT
Let my peace reign in every land
Let evil be vanquished
Let all men turn to me
People of the world I am coming soon
Do not be alarmed or taken by surprise
Wake up and smell my sweet fragrance among you
I have never left you nor will I leave alone
But I shall be with you always
For i delight in being among my people
I will sweep away my enemies like dust
My people shall win the day and I shall lead them to victory
My name is higher than every name
Father we call down your mercy and favour
We worship your holy name o lord
I declare in Gods sight that all men shall turn to me and receive from my hand
Be amazed at my outpouring of mercy and favour
For my hand is open and you shall receive from me in full measure that which is rightfully yours