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Tuesday 14 February 2023

Hope in Him

 Put your hope in Him for he is the creator of all things

God almighty wise beyond all human understanding

Powerful and majestic

Awesome and holy

Let Him clothe you with His power and glory

Put on His armor and then stand your ground

Let him write his word on your heart and mind

Follow His instructions and be amazed at His response

Will He not bless you

Be amazed at the outpouring that shall come


Saturday 11 February 2023

Holy Remnant

The remnant of the tribe of Judah will pasture there. They will rest at night in the abandoned houses in Ashkelon. For the Lord, their God will visit his people in kindness and restore their prosperity again.

Zephaniah 2:7 NLT

Let me feed you, says the lord

I shall restore to you the blessings of the kingdom

You shall learn how my kingdom operates, says the Lord

Learn from me and I will pour out blessing upon blessing 

You will be amazed at my deeds

See, I have written my word on your heart and mind

That you might obey my commands 

I have given you dominion, says the Lord.

Whatever you ask in my name I shall do for you.

I gave you faith that moves mountains

I  move you to do my will, says the Lord.


Seek the Lord

Seek the Lord, all who are humble, and follow his commands. Seek to do what is right and live humbly. Perhaps even yet the Lord will protect you— protect you from his anger on that day of destruction.
Zephaniah 2:3 NLT

Seek me, says the Lord

come after me

and I will save you from my fierce anger

Be diligent and you will find me, says the lord

The day of destruction looms

The day of darkness comes closer

Those whom I seek like lost sheep

Shall be redeemed, says the lord

I am always working

always persevering

You shall be brought into my fold, says the Lord of heaven's armies

Like a Lamb, he was led to the slaughter

pierced and afflicted yet he made no cry

mocked and wounded

He bled for Adam's helpless race

I am the Mighty one, Creator of heaven and earth

I know all things

I stand outside all time and consider the iniquity of men.

Yet I turned from my fierce anger and offered salvation at the very beginning.

Behold the spotless lamb of God who takes upon himself the iniquity of us all

Seek him and you shall find him

Knock and the door will be opened

He shall cleanse you

and make you a prince in his kingdom


Tuesday 7 February 2023

A Bride fit for the Groom

My bride shall model the beauty of holiness. 

I shall clothe her in glory

The feast is ready, the table is prepared, and all of mankind has been invited for the groom has paid their entrance fee with his own blood

The redeemed among the dead are waiting in glory and they have received their reward in full.

Let the redeemed who are still alive model themselves on me, says the lord  

I have invited the lost, the lonely, the disposed of, the barren, and the outcast.

The table stands half empty and I am full of grief 

Does your heart not burn with passion? asks the Lord

They need to be redeemed

There is little time left. 

Tell me who shall bring them? , says the lord     

Do I not search for the lost sheep?

Do I not cleanse the leper?

Do I not open blind eyes?

Do I not make the lame walk?

Do I not feed the hungry?

Let the bride model herself on me, says the lord.     

My bride must prepare herself

I counsel you to buy oil and get yourself ready for marriage.

I tell you now is the time to prepare and get ready

Do not be taken by surprise at the coming of the groom.

Transform Your Mind

My child, you are my most treasured possession

It has always been my desire for you to live an empowered life

Listen to my voice and take heed of my instruction

The Spirit I have given you must work its way out into your soul

Have you not been instructed to work out your salvation with fear and trembling?

Have you not been given the mind of Christ?

Search the scriptures and I shall instruct you.

Are you not amazed by my powerful deeds?

Yet these alone are not enough.

You must worship me in spirit and truth.

The word is living and active.

I have lived within you since you were adopted into my family.

I am your father and you are my child.

Do not be afraid to live out your life without fear

My child become holy as I am holy.

Get rid of all fear and do not submit to it

Father, Let your Holy Spirit dwell within me

Let me not be afraid of man but let me fear God

Let me not be a coward but let me fight God's holy war 
