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Sunday 3 May 2020

These days are days of blessing and not woe.

I am the Lord Almighty

I created all things

I am coming to claim those that are mine

Many have claimed that these days are days of woe

But I tell you I will bring much blessing

I am restoring all things

After these days are over.

Things will be restored.

Families will be restored.

I will bring to myself those in darkness.

I will bring to  myself the lost and the hurting.

My angels are working to bring about my coming

These are days of blessing and not of woe.

I will build and develop, many people will recieve plans from me

and they will bring them from heaven to earth

they will fashion many things, new discoveries and inventions are coming

I will bring all men unto me

You may think that these are days of darkness but my light shines even in the darkness

Darkness is dispelled by my light.

I am the light of the world through me you will see and percieve all things correctly

You who percieve falsely will be given new vision and I will correct you

I will put you on the path to greater glory

You who hunger and thirst for righteousness

I will reveal myself to you and clothe you in new garments

You who are lost and hurting

I will bind your wounds

I will find you and bring you back to me

You will play and frolic with my people once more

You who are blind, who have eyes to see but do not

I will restore to you the sight of the kingdom

I will give you fresh vision

You who are deaf, though you have ears to hear

I will restore to you my hearing.

You will hear from heaven and will bring forth new ideas

My children I am working everything out for your good.

Everything I do, I do for your ultimate glory

I will place  my men and my women in high places

They will tear down evil and all kinds of corruption

Hidden things will be revealed

And when this current storm has spent its fury

I will have restored all things to me

I shall lead my people to greatness.

I shall bring my wealth, that is not of this earth, to the nations

Peace shall be yours

Joy shall be yours

Do not doubt

Have no fear

Do not lose your spiritual ferver

I am coming to claim my bride

There shall be feasting in heaven, the like of which the earth has never seen.

You are invited my child.


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