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Wednesday, 18 March 2020

The Only Creator

I am the Lord God Almighty

None can create as I create for I create by mere speach

My Word has ultimate power.

Man only reshapes what I have made.

So be encouraged that I will bring life to you and not death.

You are facing perilous times.

But even now the Lamb's blood has overcome.

No other covering need be provided.

Behold even now the angel of death cannot cross the blood line drawn over your household.

So do that today.

Humble yourselves and pray.

Ask and you will receive.

Knock and the door will be opened to you .

Seek and you will find.

The prayer of the righteous avails much.

Pray for the sick they shall recover.

Even death need not be final.

Let your house be known for prayer and righteousness and holy living.

Remember you are not earthly but heavenly for when you came to me you passed from earth to heaven and that is where you now live.

Your spirit lives in heaven only your soul and mortal body is here on earth.

You passed from death to life when you came to me.


Friday, 6 March 2020

The skies have opened

I was stood beside the road at the bottom of the hill by the house of salvation

when the Lord revealed his plan

I laughed when I saw it.

The acursed one who is leading you to ruin has been curtailed.

His plans will come to nothing.

It may look from where your standing like a brilliant summers day

But he has disaster waiting for you.

Behold I saw a rider on a white horse coming out of the clouds

He had with him a horse without a rider.

You are that rider

He has come to lead you into battle

Do not be afraid or anguished

You already have everything you need

The house of the enemy shall be plundered and those who ran with the enemy will turn to the Lord

A spiritual renewal is coming A time of refreshing had been ordained.

Behold I shall move in these days like no other day

The time has come

Be at one with me says the Lord.

It is time to plunder the camp of the enemy

Do not be fearful. Be encouraged for I have won the day.

The fulfilment of times is at hand.

The prayers of the saints are being answered

They are like a sweet aroma to my nostrils

It smells like success
It smells like victory
It smells pleasant and fragrant
like a sweet smelling flower

You have prayed for breakthrough

Behold I have opened the skies above you

Look and see the signs

Behold  I have plans to prosper you and heal you and save you

There is one who would like to see ruin for you but his plans have been thwarted and shall not prevail.

I am the Lord God Almighty

I have declared righteousness for my people Israel
I have declared victory for my people Israel

Miracles and wonders will pour forth from Israel in these days like no other day in history.

And I will bless those who pray for my people Israel


Saturday, 22 February 2020

Become One

Be as one.

I and my father are one

I am in the father and the father is in me

You too can know unity

Change your view

Look from the heights

Ascend to the heights and look out on the land from there.

See how mountains look like flat plains

Indeed rise above and see

Become like the eagle and soar

Spy out the land

Search the winds and rise on the updraft

You will do it for I have ordained unity for you

Do not be discouraged

I have given my angels charge over you

look for them.

They are with you now

They have with them everything you need to overcome this present crisis

Become like the Son for the Son is whole and righteous

Come to Him and wear the royal garments he has given you

For you are now a child of a King

Your kingdom is to be known for peace, prosperity, kindness, grace, power and love.

You have been given a spirit of power and of love and a sound mind.

Declare it

Believe it

Let knowledge sink into your spirit through the gates of your soul.

Do not let any unwholesome thing enter your soul for it will pollute your soul and embitter your spirit.

The unwholesome are obvious: jealosy, rage, bitterness, envy, greed, avarice and the like.

My Spirit will contend with such things

Yet be encouraged for perfect love casts out these things.

Come close to me and be blessed

Become united with me and see restoration and healing and cleansing for both you and your household.



Sunday, 16 February 2020

You will inherit the land

You will inherit the land I promised your ancestors

Do not be discouraged

You have been placed where you are since the beginning of your journey

Now it's time take the role you have been prepared for

Lead your flock into the land I promised your ancestors

The land is green and lush with plenty of precious jems and ores for mining

Fit for cattle, sheep and herds of many kinds

Do not be alarmed

Your purpose shall be to muster the people and give them strength

They look to you

When you have crossed over into the land

Your flocks and herds will flourish
You will become rich in ores and gem stones

You will become a blessing to the nations around you

Your enemies will fear you they will be unable to fight against you for I have discouraged them


Saturday, 15 February 2020

The Most Holy Place

You have journeyed far

you are tired and weary

Just a little further

You have reached the Holy Place

Look and see ! The curtain has been rent in two

Come commune with me in the Most Holy Place

Make it your dwelling

No longer is the Most Holy Place a physical room in a tent or house

But is found in right relationship with my Son

So come and walk with Me

You have not journeyed alone for I have been with you

The cabod of God is waiting for you

Become a sibling of my child Israel.

A Holy Nation

My chosen people

Have I not told you ?

Do you not understand ?

Join with Israel and be blessed .

Why journey this hard road? It has surely been a difficult road

But blessing awaits for you !

Do not be troubled for I will not let you see ruin!

I have your best interests at heart!

I have a plan to prosper you!

To heal you!

Come closer and step across the threshold into the Most Holy Place and commune with me

Let my Glory overshadow you

Let my presence heal you for all who truly commune with me are blessed beyond measure!
