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Sunday 15 November 2020

Flowers and nectar

 Draw near to me my child and I will speak to you

Consider the flowers of the field 

Only for a short while are they clothed in glory

Then they cease

Their time in the field is short

Yet whilst they are here do they not supply sweet nectar to the birds and bees

They support many 

And yeild many offspring

You are like the flower that feeds the birds

Because you are found in me you have a nectar sweet as honey 

It feeds the lost, the vulnerable, the lonely , the outcast 

They shall gather around my people 

For they have my  heart 

You shall be like the flower in the field 

Rooted in good soil and glorious

You will feed many 

You will produce much fruit 

You will bear offspring as numerous as the stars

Use your time in the field wisely for it is short


Mountains and seas

Even though the mountains crumble and the seas rage

I will praise you my Lord my God

Even though my enemies assail against me

I will honour the name of the Lord

For he is almighty God

If I am poor I will praise you my Lord my God

If I have riches beyond the dreams of avarice I will honour you my Lord my God

Where can I find true acceptance my Lord my God

It is found in you alone

All my needs are met in you my Lord

Even though I have nowhere to lay my head

I will not deny you

I am weary and burdened

Yet I praise you my Lord my God

The Lord is sovereign and royal

He alone governs kings

By his hand rulers rise and fall

Let my people rejoice for I am coming on the clouds

Be attentive to my voice

Listen and I will teach you the way you should go

Open your heart and I will refresh your spirit


Thursday 15 October 2020

Brothers in Arms

Take note of your brother for they are a valuable asset

There is much that can be done when brothers work together

Dont repay or seek vengeance for that belongs to God

But be careful to show kindness to all

Even those who have offended you

Remember those that don't know me

They shall see me in you

For I shine as the noon day sun even in the darkest of nights

I tell you be of good cheer for your brother in arms shall battle your corner

And when you fight together against any enemy remember I am with you for I contend with those who contend with you

So be encouraged speak well of your enemy for I love all men unconditionally.

What reward is there if you love only those who love you

So I tell you before you go to war against your mortal enemy remember that I desire that all men come to me and that none be lost.

Thursday 8 October 2020

Calvary's Love

 God loves us so much, his love had no beginning and is incredibly patient. All we need to do is respond, not try to earn what is freely offered. God has said  in many ways, I love you, I have demonstrated that love to you by all I’ve done for you. I have even sacrificed my son, Jesus, to pay the price for your sin. Now live because of my love, respond to me; love me with your whole being, give yourself to me with thanksgiving, not as a payment; live life fully, in the freedom of knowing you are loved. What amazing love God has for everyone, freely given by our creator, what a comfort and a blessing as you read these amazing words in our bible. Amen. Praise our great loving God in Jesus Christ precious mighty name, Hallelujah Amen

Joanne lamb

Friday 25 September 2020


 Lord you search my heart

You know all my thoughts

When I stand

 you know it

When I sit

  You know it

Such knowledge of my days 

I am called according to the scriptures to become one with you

Not that I am perfect. 

Far be it from me to claim such a thing

But I desire to be one in thought and action

Let me think and speak and act as you do!

My Lord ! You are too lofty for me.

 You carry me to the heights


You are my help in times of need

Such is your knowledge about me


Thursday 24 September 2020

Compassionate heart

 Dear child I love you with an everlasting love

I am the God of all creation

I am the defender of the innocent 

And the champion of the lost

I shall comfort those that mourn 

Heaven's door in open to both young and old 

I am the God whos heavenly abode is full of the angelic host 

Be at peace for I am always kindhearted and compassionate to those who have lost their loved ones 

Be at peace my child for the souls of  my children who have been lost are in the garden of heaven and are dancing for joy in the ballroom of heaven

The God of all comfort shall be with you in these days and I shall love you forever


The wicked

 I will cut off the wicked from the land

Their cites will perish 

Their offspring will never be prosperous

I will cut off Babylon and her children 

They will not inherit the land 

I will send my army against them 

Her cities will fall into ruin 

And her fields into marshland 

Her crops will wither and die

She will lose all her riches they will be handed over as spoils to the righteous 

My hand is against the wicked they shall not inherit the land


Tuesday 22 September 2020

Graceful presence

 Let your words be seasoned with salt

Listen and you will be amazed

Do you not hear ?

Can you not perceive ?

Listen and I will speak to you !

Draw near and be attentive to my words

I always speak words of love to you

For you are my beloved

I am always pouring out my grace to you 

Do you not feel ?

Can you not sense my presence ?

Draw closer my child and be amazed at my love for you!

I am the God who loves to lavish my love upon you

Even my anger is poured out for your benefit

For I delight to discipline you for you are my disciple

I never pour out discipline to harm you but to draw you closer to me

Be wise and take heed of my words to you 

I am always speaking to you

For I cherish you 

You are my beloved


Saturday 19 September 2020

Rest in my arms

 Be at peace and rest in my arms

For I am a loving God

I provide for all you needs

Become my friend and I will prosper you

I am a righteousness judge 

Who knows  all things 

I have already found in your favour 

Come to me and claim your reward

I am not hard to find

Search your heart and you will find me

For I have gave you my heart when you first came to me

Let strength my arise in you

I speak from the depths 

And I always give you courage in time of great need

I am with you 

Do not be alarmed when you are persecuted

For I am misunderstood by those that don't know me

They will hate you because they hate me

Yet do not be afraid of them for they are hurting inside 

They speak and act out of pain and anger 

For they have been mistreated by those who dont know me 

Do not retaliate for I am the embodiment of love

It is mine to avenge 

And my vengence is poured out for their benefit


Thursday 17 September 2020


 I am the God of love

I am not distant or far away

I created all things

I am gentle and loving 

I am a jealous God

I am the fire that you seek

I am the water you need

Let my presence enthuse you

I am a vengeful God, it is I who seek to avenge those who hurt my children

Yet my vengeance is loving for I can not hate it is not in my nature

Seek to be like me. 

Do not seek vengeance but show love to all

Treat your mortal enemy with kindness and unmerited favour for that is what my love demands

Seek with all your heart to be like me 

Develop your character and persue righteousness

Let holy living be your persuit
