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Monday, 27 April 2020

Prophetic Video Tower of Strength

I am a tower of strength

Draw from me and stand

My name is above every name for I created all things.

Let me clothe you with my garments and put my cloak of protection around you.

Let my spirit draw near and I will prosper you.

Even now my heart rejoices over you my child I yearn for your love

Let me bless you
Let me guide you
Let me teach you

And will show you my most precious secrets. I will reveal mysteries and conundrums and put things in place to reveal all things

I will give you the wisdom of creation itself. You shall accomplish things in this generation like no other.

I will give you remedies and cures for the most pernicious of diseases.

You shall prosper in ways you cannot fathom. I will show the depths of my grace and favour and blessing.

Dear children you were bought at great price.

You have been redeemed and are set free with another taking punishment in your stead.

Remember your former days in slavery. You have been set free

You are like gold hewn from the earth at great cost: your worth far exceeds the cost of your redemption.

Do not neglect your freedom for it cost much

Come to me my child

Recieve favour and grace from my hand.

You are in my presence and I offer you my very essence in exchange for your sin.

Exchange your pain, your heartache, your shame for comfort, joy and blessing

Sunday, 26 April 2020

Prophetic Video Transformation

These days are full of turmoil and anguish
 Yet resolution will come As a storm abaits when its fury has been spent 
So these days will relent when the storm has lost its strength 
Rebuild the City on the ruins of what once was and restore the temple of the living God. 
You are my children and I have ordained greatness for you 
I shall pour rivers of blessing from the altar 
Such that the banks will overflow 
I will quench the parched land 
The barren land will sing for joy 
I have seen your need and heard you prayer. 
No longer will the fox and the jackal wonder the land 
But new springs of water will erupt where there were none 
and river beds long since dried up will flow once more 
for I shall open up the floodgates 

I will create anew 
I will fashion a new earth and a new heaven fit for my people 
I will cause life to appear were there is death and decay 
I will heal the land and restore nations and kingdoms and peoples.

Prophetic Video Words from Father God

You who sail the high seas, sing for joy.

Those who wonder the desert, praise his name.

You who make your home on the mountains or in the valleys, dance and make music to the Lord.

I am the Lord, that is my name.

I will not rest till I have made you complete and you have been restored to me.

Be of good cheer I will not let you see ruin

Let the rich and the poor be encouraged for I am Holy and Righteous

I have planned great and good things for you

The storehouse of heaven has been opened for you.

Come and plunder my wealth, take from my abundance, for I lack no good thing.

I have riches. Gold and silver, I have in great measure.

I make my plans known to you before they come to pass.

For I do not desire that you live in fear or doubt.

Therefore I will  reveal all things to my chosen ones.

They will be revealed in good time

Listen to them and take heed of their words.

They shall reveal all things to my people

Be patient and do not fear for I am in your midst.

I am Almighty God.

I created all things.

By mere speach, out of nothing, I created the seen and the unseen.

I created time and space and matter.

It is my desire to lavish my Love upon you

I am already at work in all things wether you perceive it or not, believe it or not, I am working everything out for your good

You shall be safe even in the midst of the lions den

You will go through dark times

Beleive me when I tell you, you are not alone !

I cannot break my promise to be with you !

Fear not!  I have sent my angels ahead of you!

Be encouraged I am everywhere at all times

I see your pain and your heartache and it grieves me

I am sending a comforter fit for your circumstances

Be of good cheer and do not be disheartened for I am Holy

There is none like me !

Have you not read of Daniel of old whom I love.

It was he who defied the king and was placed amidst lions yet came out unharmed

So I tell you, these present times, shall not overwhelm you.

You will sail into port, through rough seas, in good order.

Nothing shall be lost.

Saturday, 25 April 2020

A Message from the Fathers Heart.

My heart bleeds for you, my heart breaks for your spirit, says the Lord. You have ears to hear but refuse to listen to my message. Yet I wait patiently for you to STOP and TURN YOUR HEAD and incline your ear to hear what the Lord your God says. It is not my will that you continue in darkness but in My son Jesus died on the cross so you would no longer live in the darkness of sin and death, so you could come out into MY LIGHT. Forgiven, set free, released and free to know your Father in Heaven. My love will change your life! And I do love you, wholly and completely. And I am the Holy One you have been searching for all your life. Look...I am standing and watching, and I am waiting for your heart my beloved child. Return to me, for I love you. Jesus.

Rejoice and be Saved

You who sail the high seas, sing for joy

Those who wonder the desert, praise his name.

You who make your home on the mountains or in the valleys, dance and make music to the Lord

I am the Lord, that is my name.

I will not rest till I have made you complete and you have been restored to me.

Be of good cheer I will not let you see ruin

Let the rich and the poor be encouraged for I am Holy and Righteous

I have planned great and good things for you

The storehouse of heaven has been opened for you.

Come and plunder my wealth, take from my abundance, for I lack no good thing.

I have riches. Gold and silver, I have in great measure.

I make my plans known to you before they come to pass.

For I do not desire that you live in fear or doubt or ignorance

Therefore I will  reveal all things to my chosen ones.

They will be revealed in good time

Listen to them and take heed of their words.

They shall reveal all things to my people

Be patient and do not fear for I am in your midst.


Friday, 24 April 2020

Easter Readings From Jack Skett (Pastor) Dewsbury Elim Pentecostal Church

Rough seas and the lions den

I am Almighty God.

I created all things.

By mere speach, out of nothing, I created the seen and the unseen.

I created time and space and matter.

It is my desire to lavish my Love upon you

I am already at work in all things wether you perceive it or not, believe it or not, I am working everything out for your good

You shall be safe even in the midst of the lions den

You will go through dark times

Beleive me when I tell you, you are not alone !

I cannot break my promise to be with you !

Fear not!  I have sent my angels ahead of you!

Be encouraged I am everywhere at all times

I see your pain and your heartache and it grieves me

Therefore I am sending a comforter fit for your circumstances

Be of good cheer and do not be disheartened for I am Holy

There is none like me !

Have you not read of Daniel of old whom I love.

It was he who defied the king and was placed amidst lions yet came out unharmed

So I tell you these present times shall not overwhelm you

You will sail into port, through rough seas, in good order.

Nothing shall be lost.


Monday, 20 April 2020

Awesome God

You are good oh my God

Your mercy never fails

I will sing of your faithfulness

With every breath

You are my Father and Friend

You are my Lord and King

Lord your goodness is chasing me

All my life you have been faithful

He is faithful God

He is Awesome God

He is Loving God

He has proven worthy and honourable

More that any other

I will sing of your greatness


Monday, 13 April 2020

Refiners Fire

Standing outside in the cool rain as I prayed I knew God was moving. God is moving, prayers are reaching his ears like never before. First comes the rain, My blood over the nations, My Holy Spirit striking through the hearts of many. I saw a multitude of intercessors, some experiencing this for the first time. Believers hand in hand in the Spirit, praying along the shores from coast to coast and the standard was raised against the enemy. Then comes the fire. A refining fire, and we will stand through the furnace. From it we rise up on wings like eagles! And I heard the roaring of the great Lion, and saw the Eagle rise up aflame.

It is coming says the Lord, DO NOT DOUBT IT and do not be afraid, Jesus is near.

Stay in the city until you are clothed with the Holy Spirit.

Luke 24:49, Isaiah 59:19, Isaiah 40:31.

Lets welcome our new editor

Hello, I’m Joanna.  I’ve been a born again Christian for 15 years. My crazy sister prayed for my salvation and what I thought was crazy actually was the truth of Jesus. I was at the end of my tether and asked my sister to pray for me and it sounds cliche but the light literally came on. I just new it was all true and- me being me -within an hour I wanted to go out and do miracles! For the first and only time God spoke audibly to me and said, “My child I’m not going to send you out naked!“

 I now understand the meaning of this so well. Because of Jesus my husband is alive and we’re still married ( although he’s not given his life to Christ yet) Because of Jesus we have a beautiful son, because of Jesus I was able to become a nurse. 

I was baptised in 2008 in the river Jordan and have had many amazing testimonies of His faithfulness and grace. I also have testimonies of the suffering and the refiners fire that come with being a disciple of Christ. Sometimes I’ve been holding on by my fingernails convinced I’m finished, not good enough etc. But I am still learning now how to battle in spiritual warfare against the lies of the enemy and how to wear my armour well and daily take up my cross. 

The Christian life is not an easy one, but I would not change one day because I asked God to build my character and yes that’s exactly what he’s doing!

That’s it for now, thanks for taking the time to read. Be blessed.

Administration Post Important News

I have invited the awesome Joanna Millward to join the editing team. She is a fellow church member and parent so can give motherly insights and guidance as only a mother can. It's early days yet. I have asked her to introduce herself to the readership, this will be her first post. She will then give her take on some of my posts hopefully this will add some interest and dynamic to the blog.

On the institutions of men

There are those who claim to be the church but are not.

They have grown in influence and number

They misrepresent me and my interests.

They have joined that institution called the church but they are not members of my body

Do you not know there is power available to you to bring down the might ones those who have gotten influence over my body through corruption and wealth and manouvering

I will say to them, away from me I never knew you.

They seek to undermine the plans of my body,  I shall bring them to ruin

You who govern the church and are not mine I shall lay you to waste

I will frustrate your plans

I will cut off your influence

Those that  know me shall receive from my hand everything they need to advance my church

Those who claim to be church, but are  not, yet hold unmerited influence over the affairs of men shall be brought low.

Even mere babes shall bring you to your knees for in their weakness my strength is made perfect.

Live your life in front of all men

Let your gift of Love speak to all men, corrupt or not, powerful or not.

Allow me to show myself through you

Become less that I might become more

I shall speak to you

I shall guide you

Learn to depend on my Holy Spirit

Seek Him constantly

Let  Him empower you.

Be on your guard for in the last days even the elect shall be fooled


Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Foxes little foxes

The foxes, the little foxes spoil the vineyard.

There is new wine coming but first the harvest has to be gathered and the winepress put to use

Go into the fields and gather the foxes you have rendered harmless, ensnared in the trap that you have laid.

Then you will be able to celebrate the feast with  fresh new wine.

 New wine for a big party is being prepared.

There shall be celebrations

There will be dancing and singing

There will be music and melody

There will be happiness and joyfulness

The streets will leap and dance
