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Tuesday 18 April 2023

According to your deeds

 Be sure I hold the world in my hand

The mountains shake at my bidding

The seas flow at my command

Surely I can order either the building up or tearing down of men and nations and kingdoms

I tell you according to your deeds I will act

But you my child are destined for greatness

I have seen your deeds and found you righteous

Surely I shall pour out blessing upon blessing into your life

I am provider and guide

Follow my teachings and abundance will flow into your lap


Wednesday 5 April 2023

3 Days later

They cursed him and mocked him

They divided his clothes among them

Forced to carry a wooden cross

Ridiculed and rejected by men

He was innocent yet one who was a convicted terrorist was set free in his place

They pierced his side

He was buried in a rich man's tomb

Then the wait 3 days later this same man rose from death having defeated the curse of death

He died and was buried

Yet he lives forever

The Father was pleased to place a crown on his head and clothe him in robes of white

He is pleased to call us co-heirs and sons and daughters of God


Friday 10 March 2023

The books

 As I looked, thrones were placed and one that was ancient of days took his seat; his raiment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like pure wool; his throne was fiery flames, its wheels were burning fire. A stream of fire issued and came forth from before him; a thousand thousands served him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him; the court sat in judgment, and the books were opened.

Daniel 7:9‭-‬10 RSV

The meeting place is being prepared and thrones are being placed

The judgment seat is being prepared

A stream of fire is constantly flowing before the Ancient of days

His throne is fire

The wheels of his chariot are full of fire

A multitude shall stand before him

And the books opened and read by the Ancient of days

You will be judged

Will you be left standing?

Will you be hauled away to the lake of fire where body and soul are destroyed?

Only those whose names have been written down in the lamb's book shall remain standing

Come to him

He has defeated the curse of death

And paid the price for your redemption

He is patient not wanting anyone to perish


Wednesday 8 March 2023

More from Joanne Lamb How God Speaks to Man


Hi Godbless.

So I'm going to share Galatians 1:6-10. That says.

"I marvel that you are turning away so soon from him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel. Which is not another but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accused. (9) As we have said before so now I say again if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed. (10) For do I now persuade men or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men I would not be a bondservant of Christ." 

Yes Amen. There is only one gospel and that is of Jesus Christ. Praise Jesus, good Lord and Saviour, the only way to God. So some people were preaching a different gospel, they were saying that to be saved, the Gentile believers had to follow Jewish laws and customs, (circumcision etc). They were saying faith in Jesus Christ was not enough. This message undermined the truth of the good news that salvation is a gift and not a reward for certain works. So we need to be aware of people who say we need more than just faith in Jesus to be saved, or people who try to say Jesus Christ is not God's Son and equal to God etc. A lot of religions have different opinions, but when people set up additional requirements for salvation, they deny the power of Jesus Christ's death, on the cross. There is only one way to us, for our sins to be forgiven and that is believing in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, no other person, method or ritual can give eternal life. Yes Amen Glory to God in Jesus Christ's precious mighty name.

Thank you, Jesus, Mighty Lord and Precious Saviour. 

Amen thank you love always 

Joanne lamb xxx

Pain and heartache

 I have heard your cries says the lord of hosts

See I have sent angels with my message

Their names are comfort and peace

Watch out for their arrival

Learn to partner with them says the Lord

Have I not been faithful and true to you

I have a plan for you

Follow me and I will guide you into the house of peace and comfort

 I have come to bring joy

My joy shall be made complete in you


Thursday 2 March 2023

Standing tall

 Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday. Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you.

Psalms 91:6‭-‬7 NLT

Do not be alarmed by your current circumstances

I have seen you in the midst of it

Have faith

I will carry you through

Though others are dropping like flies around you

You will stand tall

For I am an enabler

Neither your foe nor your enemy will stand

See I will dash them to pieces


Long life

 The Lord says, “I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them. I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation.”

Psalms 91:14‭-‬16 NLT

I am with you in your troubles says the Lord

You have travelled far 

I know the troubles you have faced

And the enemies you have made due to honoring my name

Trust me says the lord I shall smite them and contend on your behalf

You will live a long life 

You shall see my hand a work says the lord

I am protector

I am a guiding influence over your life


Wednesday 1 March 2023

Lord and Father

Lord and Father you are king forever

Your Majesty knows no bounds

It is ceaseless and without end

Who knows your thoughts

Who knows your plans

Those whom you have chosen oh Lord

Those on whom your favor rests

A slave does not know his master's business

But sons and daughters know their father's business

My child as you mature

more is expected and more given

Put aside base thinking and become adults in the faith

Let all things become clear

My child let encouragement and power be found in you

For God has seen fit to pour out into your lap blessing upon blessing


Tuesday 28 February 2023


 Kindness is my purpose says the Lord

I am able and willing to meet your needs 

Bring your requests before me and I will give you your hearts desire

Open your heart lay it all down before me

I am your father and have good plans for you

Your entire life is laid out like book before me 

I know when you sit and when you stand 

I know you better than you know yourself

Do not hold back 

Bring every heartache before me even those ones that you dare not bring before men 

My child your prayers rise before me like a sweet perfume 

I am more than able 

You sang it as a child in kindergarten 

You learnt it at your mothers knee

Now it's time to test me in my resolve to pour out kindness into your lap

I lay down a challenge empty your soul before me

Pour it out like a goblet of wine 

And see if I do not pour blessing upon blessing into your life


Monday 27 February 2023

The lord of hosts

I am the Lord of hosts

There is none like me

See, I have opened heavens floodgates 

Reach out and take hold of heavens bounty

Have I not promised a full measure

For all my children 

Come and praise his holy name

For he is worthy above all other names

Let him guide you into fullness 

And allow him to minister to your heart

For his heart is supreme and lofty and above all compassionate to all his children

My child you are his beloved 

And He is your Lord and Saviour 


Tuesday 21 February 2023

Isaiah 53:5 Healing

Isaiah 53: 5.

But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds, we are healed.

Your healing is assured by the sacrifice of the Holy Lamb of God.
By His sacrifice, you are restored.

I decree in the mighty Name of the Lord that all your Iniquity be removed

I decree that all cancer be healed

I decree that all blindness be restored

I decree that all blood disorders be re-ordered to proper functioning in your body

I decree that all deafness be restored

I decree that all demonic pronouncement over your life is null and void by the mighty Name of Jesus and the righteous judgment of the Father.

I break every trauma, every curse, every chain and bondage

Your trauma will be no more

That curse over your life is broken

You are loosed from any chain or bondage that the enemy has placed over your life

You have freedom and liberty to worship the Lord in Spirit and Truth

Take that freedom and liberty and become everything you are destined to be.

You have the power to overcome all demonic obstacles and barriers that the enemy has placed over your life. The enemy has no right over your life for you have been redeemed by the Lamb of God.


Monday 20 February 2023

Meditate on the mighty

 Help me understand the meaning of your commandments, and I will meditate on your wonderful deeds.

Psalms 119:27 NLT

My children are my beloved family

Members of my body the Church

Meditate on my words 

See, I will open the floodgates of heaven for you

I will pour out blessing on all my children

Seek me with all your heart ❤️ 

And I will give you your hearts desire

I will give a portion of bread to the hungry and a cup of wine to those that thirst

Be amazed at the outpouring that shall come

See I Will open the windows of heaven and pour out holy fire 


Sunday 19 February 2023

Prophets of Baal you are on notice


I am the Lord Almighty who lives and reigns forever

I have declared a season of fire for all the earth

I have seen the prophets of baal how they profane my name 

I am raising prophets from among the outcasts

Those without fame or name

They shall call on my name and be victorious over the prophets of Baal

Prophets of baal you are on notice I shall show my glory in these days


Saturday 18 February 2023

Streams of water


Come to me and drink 

He who drinks water from me shall never thirst

I am the wellspring of life

It is my desire that all mens thirst be quenched

Seek to satisfy your heart through me 

Your heart yearns for me. 

So come to me in the cool of the morning and ask me

Surely I will answer you with kindness and mercy


Tuesday 14 February 2023

Alpha and Omega

He is the Alpha and the Omega, The First and the Last, The Beginning and the End.

My children, I am coming soon!

Get ready for an outpouring of my Spirit Such as the World has never witnessed!

Both rich and poor will Prophesy in my name and whatever they declare will be done for them by my Father in Heaven.

You are the Living Word my Lord my God!

Surely He is worthy of honor and praise!

I am the door to blessing beyond your understanding!

My Lord!

Surely, I will praise Him and extol Him for He is worthy

The Lamb of God has overcome!

He is able to open that which has been sealed from ages past.

Be hearers and doers of my Word and blessing shall overtake you. 

You will have an abundance beyond your understanding!

Write my Word on your heart and place Wisdom in your mind.

Do not fear for I am victorious in war and powerful in battle.

I ride on the clouds!

I am coming!

The chief of heavens armies is coming.

Behold my children

Take heed and listen, those who truly fear Me shall lead the way!

You will walk into dark places and carry my light with you, focus on my gifts that are within you for I have placed them there for such a time as this. Everything in your life has prepared you for this moment. Do not hold back!  Move forward with intention and be wise as owls.


A prayerful heart

 I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. I praise you, O Lord; teach me your decrees. I will delight in your decrees and not forget your word. Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in your instructions. Help me understand the meaning of your commandments, and I will meditate on your wonderful deeds.

Psalms 119:11‭-‬12‭, ‬16‭, ‬18‭, ‬27 NLT

I shall remember you in the morning oh Lord

I will yeild to you at noon and bow down at dusk

Throughout the night in my sleep even then my I will dream dreams of you my Lord

Let me read your words and know your thoughts my Lord

All day long I will meditate on your word

I know your thoughts, my child

Before they are on your lips I know them fully

I am the God who sees your heart

Surely I will respond

See I have placed an open heaven before you

Reach out and take from my hand

For I have plans to prosper you

Hear and understand my children

Let me clothe you in glory

Surely I shall honor you, says the Lord


Hope in Him

 Put your hope in Him for he is the creator of all things

God almighty wise beyond all human understanding

Powerful and majestic

Awesome and holy

Let Him clothe you with His power and glory

Put on His armor and then stand your ground

Let him write his word on your heart and mind

Follow His instructions and be amazed at His response

Will He not bless you

Be amazed at the outpouring that shall come


Saturday 11 February 2023

Holy Remnant

The remnant of the tribe of Judah will pasture there. They will rest at night in the abandoned houses in Ashkelon. For the Lord, their God will visit his people in kindness and restore their prosperity again.

Zephaniah 2:7 NLT

Let me feed you, says the lord

I shall restore to you the blessings of the kingdom

You shall learn how my kingdom operates, says the Lord

Learn from me and I will pour out blessing upon blessing 

You will be amazed at my deeds

See, I have written my word on your heart and mind

That you might obey my commands 

I have given you dominion, says the Lord.

Whatever you ask in my name I shall do for you.

I gave you faith that moves mountains

I  move you to do my will, says the Lord.


Seek the Lord

Seek the Lord, all who are humble, and follow his commands. Seek to do what is right and live humbly. Perhaps even yet the Lord will protect you— protect you from his anger on that day of destruction.
Zephaniah 2:3 NLT

Seek me, says the Lord

come after me

and I will save you from my fierce anger

Be diligent and you will find me, says the lord

The day of destruction looms

The day of darkness comes closer

Those whom I seek like lost sheep

Shall be redeemed, says the lord

I am always working

always persevering

You shall be brought into my fold, says the Lord of heaven's armies

Like a Lamb, he was led to the slaughter

pierced and afflicted yet he made no cry

mocked and wounded

He bled for Adam's helpless race

I am the Mighty one, Creator of heaven and earth

I know all things

I stand outside all time and consider the iniquity of men.

Yet I turned from my fierce anger and offered salvation at the very beginning.

Behold the spotless lamb of God who takes upon himself the iniquity of us all

Seek him and you shall find him

Knock and the door will be opened

He shall cleanse you

and make you a prince in his kingdom


Tuesday 7 February 2023

A Bride fit for the Groom

My bride shall model the beauty of holiness. 

I shall clothe her in glory

The feast is ready, the table is prepared, and all of mankind has been invited for the groom has paid their entrance fee with his own blood

The redeemed among the dead are waiting in glory and they have received their reward in full.

Let the redeemed who are still alive model themselves on me, says the lord  

I have invited the lost, the lonely, the disposed of, the barren, and the outcast.

The table stands half empty and I am full of grief 

Does your heart not burn with passion? asks the Lord

They need to be redeemed

There is little time left. 

Tell me who shall bring them? , says the lord     

Do I not search for the lost sheep?

Do I not cleanse the leper?

Do I not open blind eyes?

Do I not make the lame walk?

Do I not feed the hungry?

Let the bride model herself on me, says the lord.     

My bride must prepare herself

I counsel you to buy oil and get yourself ready for marriage.

I tell you now is the time to prepare and get ready

Do not be taken by surprise at the coming of the groom.

Transform Your Mind

My child, you are my most treasured possession

It has always been my desire for you to live an empowered life

Listen to my voice and take heed of my instruction

The Spirit I have given you must work its way out into your soul

Have you not been instructed to work out your salvation with fear and trembling?

Have you not been given the mind of Christ?

Search the scriptures and I shall instruct you.

Are you not amazed by my powerful deeds?

Yet these alone are not enough.

You must worship me in spirit and truth.

The word is living and active.

I have lived within you since you were adopted into my family.

I am your father and you are my child.

Do not be afraid to live out your life without fear

My child become holy as I am holy.

Get rid of all fear and do not submit to it

Father, Let your Holy Spirit dwell within me

Let me not be afraid of man but let me fear God

Let me not be a coward but let me fight God's holy war 


Sunday 5 February 2023

The God who sees


So that day Moses solemnly promised me, ‘The land of Canaan on which you were just walking will be your grant of land and that of your descendants forever, because you wholeheartedly followed the Lord my God.’ Joshua 14:9 NLT

I am the Lord who sees your need

I have watched over you since the days of your youth

For you are my beloved child and I have seen your need 

I am Jehovah Jireh

I am the Almighty the one who saves

See I have opened heavens gates 

I shall redeem the land you have walked on 

You shall be victorious

You shall inherit the land


Redemption had always been my plan

 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.

Genesis 1:1‭-‬2 NLT

I am the lord almighty

Redemption has always been my plan

I have always loved my creation

I formed the earth out of nothing

 There is none like me

I created time and space and matter

I know all things

It is my plan to prosper you

Be amazed at my provision

I redeemed creation at the beginning

The redeemer came to earth and lived among us

He purchased your soul with his own blood

He died and and yet lives forever

He lives inside you

he has given authority to shape and steward the world to all his children

My child use the authority God has given you.

When man's authority works hand in glove with God's power then all things are possible


© 2023 David Nicholas Slater

Saturday 4 February 2023

God is on the Move

I came to give life

I has always been my desire see you prosper

I tell you I am moving in your midst

You shall be amazed at the outpouring coming your way

Miracles healings anointings

I shall bless you abundantly in good times and bad

For I am with you says the lord

You shall be given a new name

Victorious warrior

For you shall be an overcomer

Nothing the enemy plans to do will be successful

They shall be cast down in flames

I am with you says the Lord


© 2023 David Nicholas Slater

Thursday 2 February 2023

God's Love

 Be Still and Know me says the Lord

I created you from the dust of the earth

I cannot make a mistake 

You have divine purpose 

I know you for I formed you in your mother's womb 

I know every hair of your head 

You are my Beloved Child 

From before the foundation of the earth I have loved you 

For I chose to redeem you from the very beginning  

It was in my plan all along 

Be amazed at my might and power 

My name is Faithful and True 

Come to me and I will restore you

I am your provider Jehovah Jireh 

My name is above every name 

The enemy of your soul wants to destroy you 

But he has already been defeated 

You are on the winning team 

And I call your name victory and power


© 2023 David Nicholas Slater

Tuesday 31 January 2023

Heart song

Father we sing a song

From our heart to you heart

We praise your mighty name

Let the blind see your mighty works and praise your name

Let the lame walk and dance to your heart's beat

Let them find the true rhythm and walk in step with you

Let your light penetrate the darkness in this season and every other

Let the deaf hear your words and sing your praises

Let us sing the love song of Jesus

And offer you our hearts

Let your message be shared across the globe

May it be that we place our mouths and tongues at your disposal

May it be that we never speak our own words for our own agenda and own benefit

You are sovereign lord

You are mighty God

You are prince of peace and wonderful counsellor


© 2023 David Nicholas Slater

Arise my soul arise

Arise my soul arise.
From weary depths to highest heights.

No longer shall you be downcast
But life shall arise from the depths

For even deep darkness is as light to my Lord
I go to the heights  He is there
I go to the depths  He is there

There is nowhere to hide from His presence.

Oh Lord you are worthy of my praise. Worthy of my heart.

There is none like you in all the heavens.

You are creator and sustainer of all things.

My soul delights in your law, it blesses my soul.

You have written your law in my heart.

Worship the Lord oh my soul.
His benefits are great.

Gone is pride
Gone is arrogance
Gone is self-loathing.

I am his beloved and He is mine.

© 2023 David Nicholas Slater

God of all comfort

My dear children.

I am the God of all comfort.

Though you pass through the flames of hell and its stench fills your house.

Even then, I am with you,
Every knee has to yield because my name is above every name.

I have purchased the keys of death and hell . I entered hell itself and took back from the thief that which I gave to you when I created you.

You have always been my beloved

I gave up my most precious possession that I might gain your love.

I am a righteous judge there is non higher than me.

Come to my appointed advocate and present your case before me.

Behold I have already won your case you only need to claim what is already yours

I set it aside for you before I created the universe


© 2023 David Nicholas Slater 

Shadowy places

I am looking for my children in shadowy and arid places.

I descend into the mire and search for those who have drifted away.

Be at peace. For I shall not rest until you are in my arms.

You yearn for me
You look for me

Be constantly alert
Be not afraid

I shall come for you, for you are my most treasured possession.

Though you have wandered away and are lost in the open seas

I am a light on a rock which shines in the night.

Look for a sign be alert. Keep watch.

Look in every direction and turn to the source of light.  For I am a house of safety for the needy.

My child you are a prince in my kingdom. Do you not know that you shall inherit my Kingdom and share my throne.

Be blessed.


© 2023 David Nicholas Slater 

Come to me

My dear child, come to me and I shall redeem you.

I have already purchased your freedom but you need to come and claim it.

Your freedom was purchased, I entered hell itself and took back the keys to death and hell.

Death has been vanquished.

You shall gain life if you come to me.

I purchased it for you and offer it today without cost.

Believe in me and live.